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I have an aitkos 10.5.1, vanilla kernel, EFI .. on ASUS P5L-VM 1394, C2 6420, 4gb ram, sound....( all, but sleep, running ), and using GMA950 on board.


My system is running pretty well and stable, but i need a gfx card a bit more powerful than the GMA950 im using at the moment. Tried a pair of cards, one 2400 ati series and one 8400 ( i think ) nvidia series, but no success at all.


In the forum i can see some got both running and others didnt, so its a bit confusing. I need a new card which got decent support on Leopard ( dont care about rotation or DVI, but, hey, the more, the merrier ), the only thing that i have to keep in mind, is that it MUST be a cheap model. ( no metter if its ati or nvidia)


What are your advices?


Thank you in advance.



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I'm using an XFX Nvidia 7600 GT with iATKOS in a similar set-up. I had to install the Natit.kext driver to get full resolution and quartz extreme etc. They cost about $89 at tigerdirect. I have heard some of the nvidia 7300's work natively (Apple uses them). Go to the wiki to see what other cards work. You may find one less expensive that suits your needs.

yea, i got the XFX 7600GT as well because wiki said it was natively compatible... yea right! had to install natit to get it to work. but it works 100%, even dual DVI display.


Seems 7600GT is a good choice,..... with natit make it compatible with Leo and tiger?


In my local store i can find 7100GS and 8400GS, and no idea if those are working ok ( CI/QE is a must )


Mmm would be great if them are supported on both Leo and Tiger, since i do dual boot.


Thank you in advance

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