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Hi, I have a hackintosh I built at work for testing purposes and such. I put a VIA firewire card in it, and under System Info all it tells me is that its a 400 MB/s card. I figured that meant it worked, since before i installed it, it said there was no firewire.


Anyway, I hooked a ibook g4 14" up to it in target disk mode, and it didn't pop up on the desktop, but as soon as i plugged it into a real DP G4, it saw it immediatly.


I'm not entirely sure which flavor of OSX 10.5.1 i used, but it was hacked for intel/amd and it worked on my system w/o any hacking other than audio and ps/2 kexts. My board is a GA-945GCM-S2.

The DP 1ghz g4 is 10.2.8


Is there any reason it wouldnt work on my hackintosh?


Edit: NVM... did some more googleing and found it under the disk utility. Sorry for the useless post.

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