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hi there,


although averything is working im kinda paranoid finding these errors at boot. any ideas?

i highlighted the culprit entries for "quick look" ;-)


thx in advance


Mash org.ntp.ntpd[42]: Error : nodename nor servname provided, or not known

Mash ntpdate[69]: no servers can be used, exiting

Mash com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.DumpPanic[56]): Exited with exit code: 1

Mash DumpPanic[56]: Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options

Mash mDNSResponder[16]: SetDomainSecrets: mDNSKeychainGetSecrets failed error 0 CFArrayRef 00000000

localhost com.apple.launchctl.System[2]: launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisoryd.plist

localhost com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cups-lpd): Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight

localhost com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cupsd): Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight

localhost com.apple.launchd[1] (org.ntp.ntpd): Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight

localhost kernel[0]: Extension "com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform" has immediate dependencies on both com.apple.kernel and com.apple.kpi components; use only one style.

iphoneDriver" has no explicit kernel dependency; using version 6.0.

Initializing RT2500Replug res1 -- FR3068[/b][/b]

RT2500Replug createWorkLoop 0x3c35640

RT2500Replug getWorkLoop

RT2500Replug Probing score 100000 - 100000 -- Is first Run (378) -- score 100000

RT2500Replug Starting 0x3bb1c00 - result 1

RT2500Replug setTimeoutMS result 0

RT2500Replug timeoutOccurred

RT2500Replug rematching

RT2500Replug ReEnumerateDevice

RT2500Replug getWorkLoop

RT2500Replug getWorkLoop

RT2500Replug Stopping

RT2500Replug Freeing remove Eventsource -

Initializing RT2500Replug res1 -- FR378

RT2500Replug createWorkLoop 0x3c58f40

RT2500Replug getWorkLoop

RT2500Replug Probing score 100000 - 100000 -- Is first Run (1678) -- score 100000

RT2500Replug Starting 0x3c55e00 - result 1

RT2500Replug setTimeoutMS result 0

Jettisoning kernel linker.

Resetting IOCatalogue.

display: family specific matching fails

Matching service count = 2

Matching service count = 3

Matching service count = 3

Matching service count = 3

Matching service count = 3

Matching service count = 3

NVDANV40HAL loaded and registered.

ACPI_SMC_CtrlLoop::initCPUCtrlLoop - pmCPUControl (PMIOCSETPSTATETABLE) returned 0x3f5de00

Apple16X50ACPI1: Identified Serial Port on ACPI Device=UAR1

Apple16X50UARTSync1: Detected 16550AF/C/CF FIFO=16 MaxBaud=115200

display: family specific matching fails

ERROR: FireWire unable to determine security-mode; defaulting to full-secure.

ALCinject: Starting.

ALCinject: Setting built-in=<data not shown>

ALCinject: Setting layout-id=<data not shown>

RT2500Replug timeoutOccurred

RT2500Replug rematching

RT2500Replug ReEnumerateDevice

RT2500Replug getWorkLoop

RT2500Replug getWorkLoop

RT2500Replug Stopping

RT2500Replug Freeing remove Eventsource -

display: family specific matching fails

NVinject: Probing.

NVinject: Setting rom-revision=NVinject 0.1.3

NVinject: Setting @0,device_type=display

NVinject: Setting NVCAP=<data not shown>

NVinject: Setting @0,compatible=NVDA,NVMac

NVinject: Setting name=display

NVinject: Setting @1,name=NVDA,Display-B

NVinject: Setting device_type=NVDA,Parent

NVinject: Setting @0,name=NVDA,Display-A

NVinject: Setting @1,compatible=NVDA,NVMac

NVinject: Setting VRAM,totalsize=<data not shown>

NVinject: Setting @1,device_type=display

NVinject: Setting model=GeForce 6600 GT

dsmos: Initializing...

dsmos: Hook and decryption contexts set!

dsmos: Starting...

m0ead6f57 :2


AppleIntel8254XEthernet: Ethernet address 00:16:76:5b:2f:e7

Initializing RT2500Replug res1 -- FR1678

RT2500Replug createWorkLoop 0x3c35d80

RT2500Replug getWorkLoop

RT2500Replug Probing score 100000 - 100000 -- Is Run-No 2 -- score 100

RT2500Replug Freeing remove Eventsource -

IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, logging disabled

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

ALF ALERT: sockwall_cntl_updaterules ctl_enqueuedata rts err 55

MacFUSE: starting (version 1.3.1, Jan 8 2008, 14:44:05)

Intel8254x -- Link Down -- 00:16:76:5b:2f:e7 -- called by enableHardware() --

-- Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (04d) = 0xde1

-- Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (05d) = 0x0

-- Auto-Negotiation Gigabit Advertisement Register (09d) = 0xe00

-- Auto-Negotiation Gigabit Link Partner Ability Register (10d) = 0x4000

-- PHY Specific Status Register (17d) = 0x8100

RT2573USBWirelessDriver: Ethernet address 00:19:5b:74:db:76

MashStation:~ mashm$

The firewire isn't a problem, I know that. As for the GMA950 drivers, you can remove them by researching the kext name, although I seem to have a recollection of it being IntelGMA950.kext but DON'T count that as correct.

Then log on as single user (F8 whilst starting up, -s, return)

Once it loads up: mount -uw /

Remove the kext: rm -R /system/library/extensions/kextname.kext

Reboot it with: exit (return), reboot (return) and it will boot up fine again.

If that fails, or you can't find the kext name, try safe mode: -x

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