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I have an HP notebook with the following hardware:


CPU: AMD Turion 64 X2 1.6GHz

RAM: 2x512MB DDR2

Video: NVidia Geforce 6150 Go

HDD: 120 GB Sata


I'm not sure of the exact chipset, but lspci in linux shows a bunch of things with Nvidia MCP51 for the host controller, memory controller, etc.



I have 3 different install dvd's, one is for 10.5, another is Uphuck's 10.4.9 r2 and the third i'm not quite sure. Each of these gives me this whenever i try to boot off of them:


System config file "/Library/Preferences/Systemconfiguration/com.apple.boot.plist" not found


I've used these DVD's on other systems before and they work fine.


Am I missing something here, or is my system not compatible?

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No, this is the initial boot off the dvd. I haven't even had a chance to run the install yet.


I've tried clearing the entire drive, no go. Tried making a fat32 partition and making it active, still no go.


Basically what i'm doing is when the dvd prompt pops up, i press F8, then try to pass various parameters like "-v" or "platform="X86PC", etc.

I think I may have resolved this, for anyone else that comes across this, here is what I did.


Went into the bios, and changed the boot order so that the HDD is set to boot before the DVD drive. Then, when the system posts, I enter the boot menu (ESC on this HP) and chose hard drive to boot from, and suddenly the disc works. I can't give the technical reason why this is, all I know is that it just works. Might be something with the fact that they're both SATA.


Either way, the setup has started.

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