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Leo 10.5.1 Install Experience


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I just booted from the BrazilMac Leopard release after a long bumpy road.


For those of you who are still struggling with the dreaded "Still waiting for root device" problem, here's how i solved it:


-setting the SATA mode in Native IDE, i managed too boot from the BrazilMac dvd and give it a whirl at the install

-changed the setting from Native IDE to the "normal" one and booted from the Toh disc (it is the only way it would see my hard drive)

-did some patching from the Toh disc in Terminal (it boots up faster than the BrazilMac)


Things that you need to do here in order to get everything working properly:

-copy dsmos.kext, AppleSMBIOS.kext as stated in other guides

-get AppleVIAATA.kext from the "regular places", edit info.plist and change the Hardware ID with your SATA controller ID

-copy AppleVIAATA.kext to .../Extensions/IOATAFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/

-change ownership and rights and to a repair permissions

-moreover, to get my hard drive bootable, i had to run the following script:

diskutil unmount /Volumes/[YourVolumeName]
dd if=/usr/standalone/i386/boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s1 bs=512 count=1
/Volumes/[FlashPen]/pc_efi/startupfiletool /dev/rdisk0s1 /Volumes/[FlashPen]/pc_efi/boot_v5
/usr/sbin/bless -device /dev/disk0s1 -setBoot -verbose
diskutil mount /dev/disk0s1
/dev/sbin/bless -mount "Volumes/Boot" -setBoot -verbose


After all this i managed to get my Leo booting. Please note that i have 2 SATA hard drives, the one with Leo being the first one (the second has Vista, dual-booting from the Vista bootloader). Initially, the hard drive was formatted to an "af" partition from windows, but repartitioned from Disk Util (from the Toh disk, as i made several tries before gettin to a working install).


I also installed the upgrade to 10.5.1, and things went smoothly.


Out of the box, I had only networking and usb. No sound, no QE/CI, no Time Machine. Right now i edited the com.apple.Boot.plist and added

<key>Graphics Mode</key>

to get a noice resolution for my monitor (19" TFT wide). The problem is that if i try to boot it normally, it would crash and reset right after loading the kernel, but if try to boot it in safe mode it works perfectly, with the new resolution (nothing seems to be out of place). Any ideas?


So, to round it up, things that aren't working and could use a fix:

-video drivers (8500Gt, so i'm still waiting for natit or some other solution)

-sound drivers (ALC888, i tried AppleHDAPatcher with no luck, will try Azalia for i only tried it on the ToH install with no luck)

-Time Machine ('the Backup Volume could not be found' although it surely is there on another partition)

-restart doesn't seem to work, although it did on the Toh install.




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I put in the 10.5.2 kexts, OpenGL Framework and Natit and voila... QE/CI enabled.


I tried a new IONetworkingFamily Kext but that made my Lan to stop working. And yeah... no Time Machine. Also, i found that i had saved all the Extensions from the ToH install so i just copied the old IONetworkingFamily kext to the system (chown, chmod and all that jazz) and now Lan is back online, but still no Time Machine. It must be some other reason :)

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Another update: Time Machine works!!!


Two reasons for this. Before i installed the video drivers, when i clicked time machine it didn't do much, just some wierd windows that didn't make much sense. With QE/CI enabled, it works in it's full glory.

The second problem was that i couldn't do any Time Machine backups (the reason why i said it didn't work). The cause was that i tried to do a backup on an old Time Machine disk that i have used on the Toh Install. I just erased the disk from Disk Utility and now everything works ok.

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