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Battery meter is missing


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This is probably related to AppleACPIPlatform.kext.


When trying to fix my PCCard port, I replaced some kexts from Tiger 10.4.8 (JaS), and as a side effect I also got the Battery Meter back.


The kexts I replaced (from 10.4.8) are: AppleACPIPlatform, AppleAPIC, IOACPIFamily, IOPCIFamily, (and modified IOPCCardFamily, probably not needed for Battery Meter).

If you don´t replace those 4 corresponding kexts, you will be risking kernel panic and unbootable system. (But try, maybe not all is needed)


You could also try to search the iATKOS install DVD for a more recent AppleACPIPlatform. But when I tried that, I found that the kexts are not in the usual location (/System/Library/Extensions).

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  • 6 months later...

hi, i am new the the osx86 scene and i have just tried the above methord of replacing the four keys using kexthelper and now the mactop coems up with the screen saying i need to restart my computer. if i boot in -v i get error "panic(cpu 0 caller 0x00400eb3). Please help as i do not want to re-install the opperating system again (it took 7 attepmts to get it working)

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