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hey guys hows it going? well i've been rackin my brain inside out for the past 3 days trying to get this working (kinda the first time of ive tried doing ne thing really tuff on a comp so ya im a noob) so i have a kalaway disc but i'm really trying to find out if i need to download the following all seperate or is this in the brazilmac dvd




NVinject for Leopard i do have a nvidia card


i also have a prepared iatkos disc if that matters for ne thing, i got that setup to completly instal with the darwin boot but afterr install when comp restarts i have a bunch of errors booting OS.


i hate to seam so desperate but fact is i am, i really need to try out this OS to see if i like it so i can go buy it for school!


my e-mail is pistolwhip_619@yahoo.com if ne1 has ne links or help that might not be cool to post in forums plz drop me a line.


thanks guys

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Kalyway has all you need to run on Vanilla Kernel if your comp can handle it. What I'm trying to say is, I only needed the Kalyway disc on my computer, booted it up, installed (Formated drive to GUID and HFS+) choosing both Vanilla options, the NVInject for my 7300GS and the Bootloader EFI for GUID, and everything is working like a charm.


Good luck.

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