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before I start.. Merry xmas and happy holidays to all of you (who are celebrating xmas & enjoying their holidays of course)


After a few minutes from the Apple screen logo (before the installation starts), there is this 'stop sign' a bove the apple logo.


Here's a few stuff that I've doe so far.

1. Search this forum for a similar issue, but there aren't a solid answer to this.

2. Use a different DVD patched: TOH, BrazilMac.. same result,

3, Wait 20 minutes (even more) as per suggested.. but it doesn't do anything (at all)

4. Do -d -v and the last line says something about Firewall could not be found or something, then it's waiting for Root folder(?).. something waiting about root.

5. Switching from IDE to AHCI to no avail.


Here's my machine specs:

Mobo: ABIT ip35-Pro

Processor: Q6600 (quad core)

Video Card: nVIDIA 8800GTS


I'd be very much appreciated if someone/anyone could assist me in fixing this issue ;)

If not, I totally undestand as this is a not very common issue.. nonetheless happy holidays guys.




ps: Great oforum btw. This noob learns alot from here.

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