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EFI and Vista - Bootloader


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I used the chain0 method along with the chain0 file modified to use with EFI 5.1. The name of the modified file is tboot.


I also used EasyBCD on Vista to setup the dual boot on my two drive system. Disk 0, Vista, Disk 1 Leopard.


Check the following threads:






or search on "chain0" "tboot" or "EasyBCD"


Good Luck

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I have figured out what the problem is but I am unable to fix it. If I press F8 after selecting OSX from the Vista bootloader I can boot into Leopard from the Darwin menu. The problem is that Vista is the default.


I have tried editing Boot.plist, adding rd and a timeout but it doesn't seem to do anything. When I make the OSX partition active, I get a "HFS+ partition error" upon boot :blink:

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