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hi specialists,


the LAN adapter is detected, but this how the Ethernet ID is looking like:




accordingly no connection via the LAN adapter.


The correct Mac address (retrieved from Windows) is 00a0d1441c2f. I inserted it into NetworkInterfaces.plist with Property List Editor 2.1 at the right spot (see below), which automatically converted it into AKDRRBwv, but after reboot the Ethernet ID is still merely 0s, and Mac OS has added another interface with Mac address 0000.., neglecting the one I edited.


So how do I do this?






<key>BSD Name</key>

















hi specialists,


the LAN adapter is detected, but this how the Ethernet ID is looking like:


accordingly no connection via the LAN adapter.


The correct Mac address (retrieved from Windows) is 00a0d1441c2f. I inserted it into NetworkInterfaces.plist with Property List Editor 2.1 at the right spot (see below), which automatically converted it into AKDRRBwv, but after reboot the Ethernet ID is still merely 0s, and Mac OS has added another interface with Mac address 0000.., neglecting the one I edited.


So how do I do this?





You can always try writing in terminal


sudo ifconfig en1 ether 00:a0:d1:44:1c:2f


sudo ifconfig en1 lladdr 00:a0:d1:44:1c:2f


this sould work untill next restart or try using changeMac, MacDaddy or SpoofMac, none however helpped me but you never know.

good luck.

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