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Hi all,


i've installed XXX 10,4,10 DVD ; some bugs so i came back to uphuck 1,3


With default the 10,4,10 Q6600 was detected in system profiler and about this mac


Not with uphuck 1,3


What are the files which need to be modified ? :

- smbios ?

- kernel ?

- others ?


THx :censored2:

It's not so much a matter of it detecting your processor, it's knowing what to call it once it's detected. This is cosmetic and doesn't affect the performance. You can edit your 'aboutthismac.strings' and 'localizable.strings' files to report the proper settings in your About This Mac and System Profiler.

I am running this processor and it does show 4 cores booting up (But they count 0,1,2,3 - IE 0 starts the count). But About this Mac reported the right thing on Jas 4.8 but after upgrade 4.10 does not report correctly (Just to lazy to edit the above files)



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