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i have dv6000 cto with Amd chipset i cant get past the beginning boot i see a blue screen with mouse pictures on it the pictures seem to say i need to put batteries on the wireless mouse. i can only guess it doesnt want to load because it cant detect a mouse or the mouse touchpad? did you have this problem?ANy Ideas?


Before i gotthis laptop i had a dv8000 with intel chipset and i got my JAS os 10.4.8 to install fine but i could never get any wireless or ethernet on it. Also i got some low level sound but at the expense of my Windows sound drivers not working. And in quicklaunch while playing a dvd no sound was heard either.


In any case i have succesfully installed this version of osx86 into one laptop before i need help figuring out what to do about this Mouse screen the screen shows up right after booting from the "DVD into JaS 10.4.8 AMD INtell SSE2 SSE3 ISO ".


Also it wouldnt do anything after that so i turn off the computer usinf the power button and now when i boot into Darwin i cant get into the Kernel boot i get an error message with begging with "error parsing plist unless i use -v to show daignostic messages. but i still get the mouse error. and sometimesall i get is a loop on the "press any key to to install mac os x or press f8 to enter startup options " cant get past it.


ANY one have any ideas.


Oh and just in case it matters i have VISTA ULtimate and XP MEdia CENTER already installed as a DUAL boot.

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