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Hey everyone! I'm a Windows guy with a few Mac friends who seem to feel that they have found the true path to enlightenment. (I'm not sure if they've found the path to enlightenment, but they have found the path to yelling about how Mac is superior to Windows.)


Anyhow. I found out about OSX86 awhile back. At the beginning of the summer, I did a computer upgrade so my computer would be able to run OSX86. I downloaded an installer of 10.4.4 off BitTorrent.


So. I tried to see if my new computer would boot into OSX86. It did, and I was quite happy. I hard-reset my computer, fully intending to do a backup first thing so I could install OSX86.


When I turned my computer on, my HDD was bricked. Instead of being recognized by the mobo, it just sat there beeping at me. (Seriously. The beeps were coming from the HDD, and I know that they were beeps. So don't ask.)


With my Seagate 250GB harddrive bricked right before I was going to back it up, I decided to try to see if I could get OSX86 to do an install on another hard drive.


I tried on a small 10GB drive. It got all the way through the install, and hung on the restart part for about ten minutes. I hard-restarted it myself. It was bricked.


I did the same exact thing on a similar hard drive. It, too, bricked.


So... three bricked hard drives and a new download of OSX86 (version 10.4.6 this time) later, I have rolled up my sleeves and tried again. I'm using another non-indispensable hard drive.


So the install went well. I left my house about two minutes before the install completed. I came home, and it had been hanging on the Restart screen for a few hours. I hard restarted again, fearing for hte worst.


It booted into DarwinX86.


The boot went seemingly fine until it tried to load the Login Window Application. It would fail and retry a few times, hang, and repeat. 0.o


Now I'm trying a reinstall to see if it helps, but if the same thing happens, what do I do?


Computer specs:


abit LG-95Z motherboard

Fujitsu 7GB HDD (works fine, tested it with WinXP earlier)


Intel Celeron D 3.6 GHZ processor

Onboard sound and video


Thanks for any help.



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