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Hi all, I'm using now hackintosh on a Celeron D310 with a gibabyte mobo. And it's horribly slow! a score of ~30 on xbench...


So I'm selling my system and buying a new one. But I live in Brasil, so some mobos that you can find in US or UE you just don't find here. And there's the monetary problem too, I'm a computer science student and live with ~$150 per month, so I need cheep hardware :)


Here are the specs I'm planning to buy:


Asus P5LD2-X

DualCore E2140

nvidia 7300gt


But I saw that people are having problems with P5LD2-* and ATA drives, and i can only find information on wiki.osx86 or here on the forums for the p5lD2-VM, witch one is a bit different from p5lD2-X. The -X has only 1 IDE port, and 4 SATA ports.


The problem is that I have a 300gb ATA disk, and want to use it. But because of -X limitation, i'll have to buy a SATA DVD player, so i need to Sata and IDE working so I can install hackintosh...


Does anyone have a P5LD2-X, or know if it only ATA port will work? Will I have to desist from P5LD2-X? Can anyone recommend me a better card with a similar price?


thanks in advance

Ok, I found a better card. My setup now is:


Dual Core E2140


1gb ram - DDR2 667

Nvidia 7300gt

DVD Pionner


I think that now I found a good setup for me. I would prefer a p35 chipset, but GMA 3100 are not supported on osx, and I cant buy a p35 card AND a good pci-e card...


Any news on gma3000 support?

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