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Well, I want to share some my files in my NTF hard disk in my win XP pc, Hackintosh and PC are connectded via Router, DHCP wrks well, internet wrks for both, but I cant get how to connect via lan from hackintosh to PC!

In the hackintosh network I can see the PC DOMAIN, i put the username and password what i use to login in pc but doesnt wrk!


I tried via FTP and it worked fine!


WHat i must to do/check?


Help pls!



(uphuck 10.4.9, kernel 8.9.1) (motherboard asus p5w dh deluxe full working)


You can try with "Apple key+K" directly from the desktop

You should see a window "server connection"

You can try with: smb://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx or afp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx = IP address of your PC

For me it works fine

Obviously you have to disable or configure your PC firewall


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