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Ok got 10.4.10 Kaylway set up and running, most things work well. Music and video play fine itunes loads, but can't connect to the store and no https connections work in Safari (they work in firefox). All in all it''s nearly usable but I'd really like to be able to login to my admnin sites etc with Safari. Any clues, hints or otherwise:


motherboard: biostar 945g 775se

pentium D 925 @3 ghz

1gb pc6400 ram clocked at 667 (it's good to 800 but the mobo isn't)

Sata 400gb that is sometimes recognized sometimes not. 40gb partition on a 300gb IDE drive.

Nvidia 7300 gt from ASUS (silent, instead of a fan has a honkin big heatsink. Barely fits in my case ( which has a 600 watt PS)


That's the other wierdness my sata is sometimes detected properly other times it's non compos mentis and claims an error initialising.


All help appreciated.



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I'll check that. I don't know what is up with the Sata though.

I had the same problem with Safari, but I don't know about the store. I also have the exact same issue with SATA - sometimes recognized, sometimes not. It's the AppleVIAATA.kext that's giving me trouble, what about you?
I have no clue. That's why I asked :) I'm not into hacking this stuff right now I just want it to work. I have 3 OS X capable Macs so it's not a great problem for me. I suspect something like a kext is the problem as it also sometimes doesn't recognize USB drives that I plug in as well.

If you look in the Kalyway thread on the Installation subforum, toward the end, Kalyway provided v2 of a fix that takes care of all these concerns. The Safari https: problem, the iTunes store problem, and the inability to register certain products like FCS2 and CS3 are all related to the same issue. I installed his fix and it cured everything.

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