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"stalls" at boot


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Hey guys, i have just installed 10.4.6. At first i had the b0error but fixed by following rammjet's tut, now when i try to boot it will get to the boot screen with the apple logo and the little circle thing down the bottom will start spinning. After 2 mins a little circle with a line through it (like the no smoking sign) appears just above the apple logo, it doesnt stall, the circle down the bottom keeps spinning but it just keeps going. I let it go for 2 hours and nothing happened. I'm stumped. Cheers.

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Hey lad, well during the night i was getting bored so i tried reinstalling it, and stupid me, when i first installed it i didnt realise that there was a button to customise the installation and of course the intel and other x86 patches werent ticked normally so i ticked them, let it install and sure enough it now works(so far). Sorry about that, but thanks for helping anyway.

Cheers Jeremy

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