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Hi everyone.

Let me outline my hackintosh.

I downloaded a JaS patched 10.4.8 installed blah blah.

Upgraded to 10.4.9, then I felt like 10.4.10 was a good idea so yeah I got it all working perfectly.

Firstly, I noticed iWork was not repsonding upon lauch ( i could see the window etc but only the top taskbar responded, i put that down to the kernel? )


So, I booted up the other day... Tried to preview an image, and wtf? Preview lauches (bounces in the dock) then disappears? WTF? Also, Adium did this. Oh yeah, randomly, some app's do it, and some don't.


Now, I need this fixed asap as not being able to do day-to-day tasks is more than brain crunching.


Can someone advise me on what's happened here, or what/ which logs to look at to see what's crashing and why?




Thanks everyone who can help :hysterical:




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