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Hi, I hope this is the right place for this, if not please can one of the mods move it :)


We have just migrated to a new Win 2k3 server at work from an old Win 2k server, and as part of the migration the company who we contract to oversee this kind of thing recomended we change the way we set up our Home Directories.


Instead of sharing out each users directory individually (we have around 500 as we're a middle school) such as:




they recomended we shared out our users folder (just one share) and used a path like this:




now this works fine on our windows machines as you would expect. However my G4 Powerbook which I have bound to the Domain using the AD plugin, instead of mounting my Home Dir on the desktop, instead proceeds to mount users$, I then have to navigate to my folder, however it does manage to mount my folder in the dock.


Normally I would have just set up my home dir as we used to have it to solve the problem, but I am currently trying to convince the school to invest in Macs more and hoping to get some in our Design & Art department next April and if this happens then depending on how well they succeed will probably decide if we get more elsewhere in the school. So what I would like to know is:


A: is it possible to have the folder mount on the desktop / finder side bar as it does in the dock instead of the users$ volume




B: is it possible to hide the users$ volume on the desktop / finder side bar, and just get users to open the folder via the link in the dock?


Thanks for your help in advance! :)

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