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No fear gentlemen, this won't be a newbie cry for help.

I just wanted this damned OS running on my sacred laptop.


First of all, the most important -

My system:


MSI Centrino Laptop

Intel 915 Graphics

Pentium M [Dothan] 1,6GHz with SSE2

...irrelevant stuff...

120GB external hard disk (from where OSX should run in the end)


What I did so far:

  • dl'ed two installation disks, uphuck 1.4a and 1.4i r2, burned them
  • trashed VMware, installation cancelled itself every time (I think this is a timeout due to bad performance)
  • switched on the USB Drive (USB1.1 btw because my chipset is faulty)
  • turned on the PC (so that external drive is recognized by the BIOS)
  • turned USB legacy and Speed Step ON
  • Boot sequence: CD, external Drive, Harddrive
  • booted from DVD (with -v to avoid boredom)
  • Tip: Don't let the primary 8 seconds pass by. Press at least enter or something.
  • waited for the installation instructions to appear
  • ignored installer window & chose "Disk Utility" in the upper toolbar, Utilities (works only until step 2!)
  • DO NOT "PARTITION" your drive if there is still data on it you intend to use!*
  • Chose any adequate partition >6GB and click "Erase"
  • Partition should be yellow now and ready for install
  • back to packet selection, I chose:
    • Intel Graphic Drivers 900
    • Remove Thermal kexts
    • Verbose Mode (optional)
    • Apple SMBIOS.kext netkas
    • Power Management Bundle
    • Intel Speedstep
    • USB Support
    • NTFS-3G
    • Do not install more than you absolutely need! The fewer stuff, the higher the probability it will boot afterwards.
    • Above packets works for sure. Sorry, no network so far. This is really mandatory for me.

    [*]waited for installation to finish (with my USB1 about 50 min)

    [*]While rebooting, I ejected installation DVD, so system should boot from external Drive (of course, again with -v)

    [*]Now I see some nice light blue screen without mouse cursor, system hangs. I'm gonna fix this with the pretty hard to find Paperclip trick.

    [*]External Monitor - RUNS!! Yeah!

    [*]Now let's see how iLife '08 can be forced to work :P

Some Tips...


In case nothing works:

  • Try again. With my installation, the system simply resisted to boot two times, third time was perfect.
  • Let things cool down. Especially self burned DVDs have heat problems when being used for hours.
  • Try another release. For example, the 1.4a Installer booted every time really well where 1.4i had some problems. If possible, change disks at the right moment :P
  • Google for the error message. There are so many newbie questions which have been greatly answered.
  • Please write a short answer in case this tutorial helped you :)

* Of course, I did.

What you have to do to reveal your data again:

  • Your previous partition informations are overwritten aka destroyed.
  • Don't panic.
  • Get some partition rescue program (for me, Partition Table Doctor did the job) and let it search for partition informations. (this is called "Rebuild Partition Table", don't mix it up with Rebuild MBR)
  • If it was a NTFS system, there should be no problems with rescueing. If it was FAT, better start praying. (NTFS saves partition info redundantly, FAT only once)
  • Wait some minutes, this is the lengthy part.
  • Confirm the found partition data and let the repair magic happen
  • If you're lucky, you have now an "empty" but accessible drive. (If not, I recommend some common data rescue utility such as OO Disk Recovery)
  • Properties should show there is actually much data on it, but not visible yet.
  • The rest does checkdisk. Command line -> chkdsk [Drive Letter] /f should do the job fine.

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iWork now also runs well, I'm astonished.

It's for 10.4.10 only, and in case you don't want to upgrade:

  • download and start Pacifist
  • drag iWork08.dmg on the Pacifist Window
  • extract the application folder to some place you like
  • open the extracted folder
  • enjoy these fine new applications

...almost midnight, good time for some wifi trials.

Wifi works flawless now.

Just ensure that

  • you have the latest drivers from the darwin project
  • Wifi indicator is set to "Remember last state" in BIOS
  • Internet Connection Wizard is run
  • correct network data is given (if not DHCP).

Now that I'm a happy newb, you can ask me things.

Good night :wub:

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