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Hi, on my Toshiba Sattelite M60, i have instaled 10.4.6 and all work OK,ethernet, wireles, trackpad ...all, but bluetooth not.Sometimes i have BT icon in MenuBar and work,i try my SE K610 connect and work fine, but from next comp. start BT icon is going??Why??I found IOBluetoothFamily.kext and IOBluetoothHIDDriver.kext in file extension folder....and i think problem is in this two kext files, but i dont know what???Have someone solution to solving this problem??THNX in advance,Tomyes, i forgot, this scribed in SystemProfiler under Bluetoth, when connection is possible: ------------------------------------------------------ Apple Bluetooth Software Version: 1.7.3f4 Hardware Settings: My’s Computer: Address: 00-03-7a-10-be-58 Manufacturer: Cambridge Silicon Radio Firmware Version: 3.1915 (3.1915) Bluetooth Power: On Discoverable: Yes HCI Version: 3 ($3) HCI Revision: 1915 ($77b) LMP Version: 3 ($3) LMP Subversion: 1915 ($77b) Device Type (Major): Computer Device Type (Complete): Desktop Computer Composite Class Of Device: 1057028 ($102104) Device Class (Major): 1 ($1) Device Class (Minor): 1 ($1) Service Class: 129 ($81) Requires Authentication: No Services: Bluetooth File Transfer: Folder other devices can browse: ~/Public Requires Authentication: No State: Enabled Bluetooth File Exchange: Folder for accepted items: ~/Documents Requires Authentication: No When other items are accepted: Ask When PIM items are accepted: Ask When receiving items: Prompt for each file State: Enabled Devices (Paired, Favorites, etc): K610i: Name: K610i Address: 00-19-63-f1-97-98 Type: Cellular Phone Services: HID Mouse & Keyboard, OBEX Phonebook Server, OBEX SyncML Client, Dial-up Networking, Serial Port, Music Streaming Service, Remote Control TG Service, Remote Control Service, PAN Network Access Point, Hands-Free Gateway, Headset Gateway, OBEX Object Push, OBEX File Transfer, OBEX IrMC Sync Server Paired: Yes Favorite: Yes Connected: Yes Incoming Serial Ports: Serial Port 1: Name: Bluetooth-PDA-Sync RFCOMM Channel: 3 Requires Authentication: No Outgoing Serial Ports: Serial Port 1: Address: Name: Bluetooth-Modem RFCOMM Channel: 0 Requires Authentication: No Serial Port 2: Address: 00-19-63-F1-97-98 Name: K610i-SerialPort-1 RFCOMM Channel: 3 Requires Authentication: No Serial Port 3: Address: 00-19-63-F1-97-98 Name: K610i-Dial-upNetworking-2 RFCOMM Channel: 2 Requires Authentication: No ----------------------------------------------

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