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VMWare Wks 5.5 on XP - OSX 10.4.8 SSE2, SSE3 JAS - unable to find driver for this platform: "ACPI"

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Hi All,


I'm relatively new to the Mac world. I'm getting sick and tired of M$ and I'm thinking hard which way should I go after XP. I'm running Ubuntu under vmware for evaluation and so far so good. I'm also interested in OSX (I'm software developer). I managed to get a hold of Tiger 10.4.8 ISO SSE2 SSE3 by JAS ISO. I followed an FAQ that I found on the net - how to install OSX under VMWare. I setup the VM properly using IDE hardisk. I was able to boot and install OSX 10.4.8 but when I do the final reboot I get the following error:


"unable to find driver for this platform: "ACPI" - please see the image.


Anyone knows how I can fix this issue ? I would like to be able to try OSX. I wonder of I go and buy OSX 10.4.8 from Apple would this solve my problem is this...as I'm guessing a driver issue. Any way I can get a hold of a patch from Apple to fix this ?


I have Dell Precision Mobile Workstation M90:

Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T7200

1GB of RAM

nVidia FX 2500M (512MB video card)


I would like to explore Apple's XCore software development environment...


Thanks for your help!!!


Just wondering is it possible the Dell's hardisk interface that could be the problem ? the OSX doesn't have the driver? I have AMD FX 57 desktop machine at home with nForce 4 Ulltra motherboard...I will try to see if the same thing will happen on my desktop.


Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

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