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already tried this:



then took a look at my NIC details:



and tried putting 0x30138086 in the .plist file in AppleIntel8255x.kext...


but still no support.


i just installed using the 10.4.8 JaS DVD PPF1 and PPF2 patched. kernel 8.8.1

a few months back i had an installation with the 10.4.6 JaS DVD it ran my NIC pretty smoothly. (but had slow graphics acceleration)....




hey sorry i didnt update this thread...

i realized after some time that my mac 10.4.6 install (6 months back) used to work pretty nicely with my NIC....

so i just used pacifist to crack open that DVD and installed the older IONetworkingfamily.kext and it worked like a charm :(


thx for the reply anyways ;)

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