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Can OSX Kill my laptop? + Why doesn't the fan stfu?


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Hello, my computer specs are;




AMD Sempron 3000+


ATI Radeon XPress 200M


(If more specs needed, please let me know and I'll post them)


All versions of OSX I have downloaded until now have all worked;


10.4.1 (Deadmoo image)

10.4.3 (JaS)

10.4.3 (Wesley Patched)

10.4.5 (JaS if I recall correctly)

10.4.GENERIC (10.4.7) (JaS)

10.4.8 (ALLPACH [unknown/Can't remember])

10.4.8 (AMD Tubgirl w/ 10.4.9 update)


They all work fine and I also got all my drivers working on them (soundcard, WUSB54G V4 - Wireless Adapter, VGA Card), but I have a major problem which keeps me from letting my laptop be operated by the great OSX. (And yes I do know that laptops are weaker than Desktop computers.)

Whenever I have installed OSX all worked fine but somehow even some slightest things made my fan go on and woosh at most of times like if the CPU became hot as hell, and I am aware AMD really does become hotter than other CPU's. I have checked my CPU usage and it does not go higher than 50% and my RAM if I recall correctly not more than 400MB. I was wondering if OSX can also be dangerous to AMD users? I am using a (rare laptop, probably cause it sucks) Gericom Phantom 3080 laptop. Got it from a friend who lives in Germany.


Most of the time at most what I use on OSX is Adium X, Xcode2.0, iTunes and Safari (Firefox sucks on OSX in my opinion..). Furthermore I wanted to use Flash CS3 and Photoshop CS3 but when I start them up the laptop goes whoosh and keeps whee'ing all the time as if my processor is holding a party. Is this just normal or dangerous for long use?

I already had my motherboard burned before cause water fell over the keyboard, but it was fully replaced and a full checkup was done so nothing else was wrong with my laptop.


I was hoping to get an answer from you pro's as I am already saving up for an iMac (My friend has one, I love it!) but until then I was hoping to be able to use OSX on my PC, the Windows environment is really starting to bug me out, and Crossover on Linux doesn't make Flash run easier on it unfortunately..


And yes I have deleted the famous AppleTCMACPI.kext or however it was called. ;) So that can't be the problem, as well as I have noticed that older versions (like 10.4.3) makes my fan go less woosh than 10.4.9, probably because the newer version numbers require more resources?

Also is there a come kind of application for OSX which will make my processor work less harder and take it more easy, doesn't matter if OSX's performance becomes slower then. Something like CPUkiller3? (Google for it.)


Right now all I have left from the ISO's are;

10.4.1 Deadmoo Image (Sucks, I will never install it again)

10.4.3 Wesley Patch

10.4.8 ALLPACH

10.4.8 JaS


Anyone some information or suggestion?

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By default there is no cpu throttling that comes with the versions you mentioned. The program in the thread above works fairly well, but you have to find good values for it and the speedstepping seems slow to step up/down. I'm looking into how to edit it but for now thats what I use. I really wouldn't worry about burning your processor up unless its sitting on your lap while you play cpu-intensive games for hours on end.


Basicly whats happenning is your processor is running at full speed all the time because theres nothing telling it it doesn't need to be running that fast. This kills your battery life (which prob isn't a huge concern) but it also decereases your processor life and ultimatly will generate more heat. Since your processor is going to be putting out that much heat your CPUs heat sensors are gonna rev up the fans to keep your processor safe. You just need some throttling to fix it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am using a (rare laptop, probably cause it sucks) Gericom Phantom 3080 laptop.


i have the same laptop, but get an 'still waiting for root device' error every time

i try to install jas 10.4.8 sse2 sse3 amd intel?


how did you get it work?




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All versions of OSX I have downloaded until now have all worked;


10.4.1 (Deadmoo image)

10.4.3 (JaS)

10.4.3 (Wesley Patched)

10.4.5 (JaS if I recall correctly)

10.4.GENERIC (10.4.7) (JaS)

10.4.8 (ALLPACH [unknown/Can't remember])

10.4.8 (AMD Tubgirl w/ 10.4.9 update)


They all work fine and [Read more...]


So.. Basically they all work, I am now only using TubGirl's image (10.4.8 with 10.4.9 update), it works very well with the AMD CPU installer found in this topic.

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So.. Basically they all work, I am now only using TubGirl's image (10.4.8 with 10.4.9 update), it works very well with the AMD CPU installer found in this topic.


maybe our laptops are not exactly equal?

may you tell me, which hd is yours?

mine is toshiba mk80 25gas


cant find any tubgirl image

only a 600mb ppf file, do you mean this?



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