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Root error message during installation


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Since yesterday i have trying to install OSX on my Computer.

  • I have a sony Vaio.
  • I have the SSE2
  • I already made a 2nd primary drive. (15 GB)
  • I have the OSX 4.8 CD with Kernel.
  • I am currently running windows Xp on my PC.

I poped in the cd and it started to install.

Everything go great for a while, the kernel does it's thing.

then after 2 minuetes the screen turns Blue.

like if it's about to install.

But after 1 minuete, the screen turns black.

back into prompt mode and it says;


"Local Host Hallted; Root Halted.

Cancelling installation"


Then the computer restarts.

I have treid the installation 4 times with no luck.


Can someone please help me out?


Also i have done nothing the thing called "Chain0"

It's too confusing. If that is the problem can some one explain it simple to me?

Thanks for the Help.


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