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I share my 200 favourite questions.


Here’s a comprehensive list of **200 questions** related to Hackintosh and OpenCore, covering topics like **DeviceProperties**, **Kext Patches**, **NVRAM**, **PlatformInfo**, **SSDT**, **DSDT**, **Kernel Patches**, **XCPM**, **Emulation**, and more. These questions are designed to help you troubleshoot, optimize, and understand the intricacies of setting up a Hackintosh with macOS.


### **DeviceProperties**
1. What is DeviceProperties in OpenCore?
2. How do I add DeviceProperties to my config.plist?
3. What is the purpose of injecting DeviceProperties?
4. How do I find the PCI path for my GPU?
5. How do I inject AAPL,ig-platform-id for Intel iGPUs?
6. What is the difference between AAPL,ig-platform-id and device-id?
7. How do I fix HDMI/DP audio using DeviceProperties?
8. How do I inject properties for a dGPU (e.g., AMD or NVIDIA)?
9. How do I disable an unused GPU using DeviceProperties?
10. What is the purpose of framebuffer-patch-enable in DeviceProperties?
11. How do I patch the framebuffer for Intel iGPUs?
12. How do I enable HDMI 2.0 support using DeviceProperties?
13. How do I fix screen flickering on Intel iGPUs?
14. What is the role of AAPL,slot-name in DeviceProperties?
15. How do I inject properties for USB controllers?
16. How do I fix sleep/wake issues using DeviceProperties?
17. How do I enable HiDPI scaling using DeviceProperties?
18. How do I inject properties for Ethernet controllers?
19. How do I fix audio using DeviceProperties?
20. How do I verify if DeviceProperties are applied correctly?


### **Kext Patches**
21. What are kext patches in OpenCore?
22. How do I apply a kext patch in config.plist?
23. What is the difference between kernel and kext patches?
24. How do I patch AppleALC for audio codecs?
25. How do I patch WhateverGreen for GPU fixes?
26. How do I fix DRM issues using kext patches?
27. How do I patch USB ports using kext patches?
28. How do I enable TRIM for SSDs using kext patches?
29. How do I patch AppleHDA for audio fixes?
30. How do I fix Wi-Fi using kext patches?
31. How do I patch IONVMeFamily for NVMe SSDs?
32. How do I fix Bluetooth using kext patches?
33. How do I patch IO80211Family for Wi-Fi cards?
34. How do I fix AirDrop using kext patches?
35. How do I patch AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB for Intel HD 3000?
36. How do I patch AppleGraphicsControl for GPU fixes?
37. How do I patch AppleSMCRTC for RTC fixes?
38. How do I patch AppleRTC for CMOS reset issues?
39. How do I patch AppleIntelFramebuffer for Intel iGPUs?
40. How do I verify if kext patches are applied correctly?


### **NVRAM**
41. What is NVRAM in Hackintosh?
42. How do I enable NVRAM in OpenCore?
43. What is the purpose of WriteFlash in NVRAM?
44. How do I clear NVRAM in OpenCore?
45. How do I add custom NVRAM variables?
46. How do I fix NVRAM-related boot issues?
47. How do I enable SIP using NVRAM?
48. How do I disable SIP using NVRAM?
49. How do I set default boot volume using NVRAM?
50. How do I fix NVRAM reset issues?
51. How do I enable verbose mode using NVRAM?
52. How do I disable verbose mode using NVRAM?
53. How do I enable FileVault using NVRAM?
54. How do I disable FileVault using NVRAM?
55. How do I fix NVRAM-related sleep/wake issues?
56. How do I enable TRIM using NVRAM?
57. How do I disable TRIM using NVRAM?
58. How do I fix NVRAM-related audio issues?
59. How do I verify if NVRAM is working correctly?
60. How do I reset NVRAM to default values?


### **PlatformInfo**
61. What is PlatformInfo in OpenCore?
62. How do I generate a valid SMBIOS for macOS 15.0?
63. What is the purpose of SystemProductName in PlatformInfo?
64. How do I choose the correct SMBIOS for my CPU?
65. How do I fix iMessage using PlatformInfo?
66. How do I fix FaceTime using PlatformInfo?
67. How do I fix App Store using PlatformInfo?
68. How do I generate a valid MLB in PlatformInfo?
69. How do I generate a valid ROM in PlatformInfo?
70. How do I fix serial number conflicts in PlatformInfo?
71. How do I verify if PlatformInfo is valid?
72. How do I spoof a Mac model using PlatformInfo?
73. How do I fix sleep/wake issues using PlatformInfo?
74. How do I enable CPU power management using PlatformInfo?
75. How do I fix GPU-related issues using PlatformInfo?
76. How do I fix USB-related issues using PlatformInfo?
77. How do I fix audio-related issues using PlatformInfo?
78. How do I fix Wi-Fi-related issues using PlatformInfo?
79. How do I fix Bluetooth-related issues using PlatformInfo?
80. How do I verify if PlatformInfo is applied correctly?


### **SSDT**
81. What is an SSDT in Hackintosh?
82. How do I create a custom SSDT?
83. What is the purpose of SSDT-EC in OpenCore?
84. How do I fix USB power using SSDT?
85. How do I fix CPU power management using SSDT?
86. How do I fix GPU power management using SSDT?
87. How do I fix sleep/wake issues using SSDT?
88. How do I fix battery status using SSDT?
89. How do I fix fan control using SSDT?
90. How do I fix thermal management using SSDT?
91. How do I fix audio using SSDT?
92. How do I fix Wi-Fi using SSDT?
93. How do I fix Bluetooth using SSDT?
94. How do I fix Ethernet using SSDT?
95. How do I fix NVMe SSDs using SSDT?
96. How do I fix SATA drives using SSDT?
97. How do I fix USB ports using SSDT?
98. How do I verify if SSDT is applied correctly?
99. How do I compile an SSDT using iASL?
100. How do I debug SSDT-related issues?


### **DSDT**
101. What is a DSDT in Hackintosh?
102. How do I extract a DSDT from my system?
103. How do I patch a DSDT for macOS 15.0?
104. What is the purpose of DSDT patches?
105. How do I fix USB power using DSDT?
106. How do I fix CPU power management using DSDT?
107. How do I fix GPU power management using DSDT?
108. How do I fix sleep/wake issues using DSDT?
109. How do I fix battery status using DSDT?
110. How do I fix fan control using DSDT?
111. How do I fix thermal management using DSDT?
112. How do I fix audio using DSDT?
113. How do I fix Wi-Fi using DSDT?
114. How do I fix Bluetooth using DSDT?
115. How do I fix Ethernet using DSDT?
116. How do I fix NVMe SSDs using DSDT?
117. How do I fix SATA drives using DSDT?
118. How do I fix USB ports using DSDT?
119. How do I verify if DSDT is applied correctly?
120. How do I compile a DSDT using iASL?


### **Kernel Patches**
121. What are kernel patches in OpenCore?
122. How do I apply a kernel patch in config.plist?
123. What is the purpose of kernel patches?
124. How do I fix CPU power management using kernel patches?
125. How do I fix GPU power management using kernel patches?
126. How do I fix sleep/wake issues using kernel patches?
127. How do I fix USB power using kernel patches?
128. How do I fix audio using kernel patches?
129. How do I fix Wi-Fi using kernel patches?
130. How do I fix Bluetooth using kernel patches?
131. How do I fix Ethernet using kernel patches?
132. How do I fix NVMe SSDs using kernel patches?
133. How do I fix SATA drives using kernel patches?
134. How do I fix USB ports using kernel patches?
135. How do I verify if kernel patches are applied correctly?
136. How do I debug kernel-related issues?
137. How do I enable XCPM using kernel patches?
138. How do I disable XCPM using kernel patches?
139. How do I fix kernel panics using kernel patches?
140. How do I verify if kernel patches are compatible with macOS 15.0?


### **XCPM**
141. What is XCPM in Hackintosh?
142. How do I enable XCPM in OpenCore?
143. How do I disable XCPM in OpenCore?
144. What is the purpose of XCPM?
145. How do I fix CPU power management using XCPM?
146. How do I fix GPU power management using XCPM?
147. How do I fix sleep/wake issues using XCPM?
148. How do I verify if XCPM is enabled?
149. How do I debug XCPM-related issues?
150. How do I fix kernel panics related to XCPM?


### **Emulation**
151. What is CPU emulation in Hackintosh?
152. How do I emulate a CPU in OpenCore?
153. What is the purpose of CPU emulation?
154. How do I fix unsupported CPUs using emulation?
155. How do I enable CPUID masking in OpenCore?
156. How do I disable CPUID masking in OpenCore?
157. How do I verify if CPU emulation is working?
158. How do I debug CPU emulation issues?
159. How do I fix kernel panics related to CPU emulation?
160. How do I optimize CPU emulation for macOS 15.0?


### **General Hackintosh Questions**
161. What is OpenCore?
162. How do I create a bootable USB for macOS 15.0?
163. How do I install macOS 15.0 on a Hackintosh?
164. How do I update OpenCore to the latest version?
165. How do I update macOS 15.0 on a Hackintosh?
166. How do I fix boot loops in OpenCore?
167. How do I fix kernel panics in OpenCore?
168. How do I fix black screen issues in OpenCore?
169. How do I fix audio issues in OpenCore?
170. How do I fix Wi-Fi issues in OpenCore?
171. How do I fix Bluetooth issues in OpenCore?
172. How do I fix Ethernet issues in OpenCore?
173. How do I fix USB issues in OpenCore?
174. How do I fix sleep/wake issues in OpenCore?
175. How do I fix battery status in OpenCore?
176. How do I fix fan control in OpenCore?
177. How do I fix thermal management in OpenCore?
178. How do I fix GPU issues in OpenCore?
179. How do I fix CPU issues in OpenCore?
180. How do I fix NVMe SSD issues in OpenCore?
181. How do I fix SATA drive issues in OpenCore?
182. How do I fix USB port issues in OpenCore?
183. How do I fix iMessage in OpenCore?
184. How do I fix FaceTime in OpenCore?
185. How do I fix App Store in OpenCore?
186. How do I fix FileVault in OpenCore?
187. How do I fix SIP in OpenCore?
188. How do I fix TRIM in OpenCore?
189. How do I fix verbose mode in OpenCore?
190. How do I fix boot chime in OpenCore?
191. How do I fix HiDPI scaling in OpenCore?
192. How do I fix DRM in OpenCore?
193. How do I fix AirDrop in OpenCore?
194. How do I fix Continuity in OpenCore?
195. How do I fix Handoff in OpenCore?
196. How do I fix Universal Clipboard in OpenCore?
197. How do I fix Sidecar in OpenCore?
198. How do I fix iCloud in OpenCore?
199. How do I fix Time Machine in OpenCore?
200. How do I verify if my Hackintosh is fully optimized?


These questions cover a wide range of topics and should help you troubleshoot and optimize your Hackintosh setup with OpenCore please share your favourite questions.



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Edited by cankiulascmnfye
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### **ACPI (SSDT/DSDT)**
1. What is the purpose of ACPI in OpenCore?
2. How do you create a custom SSDT for OpenCore?
3. What is the difference between SSDT and DSDT?
4. How do you fix DSDT errors in OpenCore?
5. What is the purpose of SSDT-PLUG.aml?
6. How do you enable CPU power management using SSDT?
7. What is SSDT-EC-USBX, and when is it needed?
8. How do you disable a device in DSDT?
9. What is the purpose of SSDT-PMC?
10. How do you patch DSDT for battery status on laptops?


### **Drivers**
11. What are the essential OpenCore drivers for a Hackintosh?
12. What is the purpose of HfsPlus.efi in OpenCore?
13. How do you enable OpenCanopy.efi for a graphical boot picker?
14. What is the role of AudioDxe.efi in OpenCore?
15. How do you fix NVRAM issues using OpenRuntime.efi?
16. What is the purpose of OpenUsbKbDxe.efi?
17. How do you enable FileVault 2 with OpenCore?
18. What is the difference between ApfsDriverLoader.efi and AppleImageLoader.efi?
19. How do you troubleshoot driver loading issues in OpenCore?
20. What is the purpose of NvmExpressDxe.efi?


### **Kexts**
21. What is the purpose of Lilu.kext in OpenCore?
22. How do you enable audio using AppleALC.kext?
23. What is the role of WhateverGreen.kext in GPU configuration?
24. How do you fix USB ports using USBPorts.kext?
25. What is the purpose of VirtualSMC.kext?
26. How do you enable Ethernet using IntelMausi.kext?
27. What is the difference between FakeSMC.kext and VirtualSMC.kext?
28. How do you fix Bluetooth using BrcmPatchRAM.kext?
29. What is the purpose of AirportBrcmFixup.kext?
30. How do you enable NVMe SSD support using NVMeFix.kext?


### **Tools**
31. What is the purpose of ProperTree in OpenCore configuration?
32. How do you use Hackintool to generate USBPorts.kext?
33. What is the role of MountEFI in OpenCore setup?
34. How do you use IORegistryExplorer to debug Hackintosh issues?
35. What is the purpose of OpenCore Configurator?
36. How do you use SSDTTime to generate SSDTs?
37. What is the role of GenSMBIOS in generating PlatformInfo?
38. How do you use PlistEdit Pro to edit OpenCore config.plist?
39. What is the purpose of Acidanthera’s MaciASL for ACPI editing?
40. How do you use OpenCore Debug versions to troubleshoot boot issues?


### **DeviceProperties**
41. What is the purpose of DeviceProperties in OpenCore?
42. How do you inject GPU properties using DeviceProperties?
43. How do you fix HDMI audio using DeviceProperties?
44. What is the role of AAPL,ig-platform-id in DeviceProperties?
45. How do you enable HiDPI scaling using DeviceProperties?
46. How do you inject properties for Intel iGPU?
47. How do you fix USB controller issues using DeviceProperties?
48. What is the purpose of framebuffer-patch-enable in DeviceProperties?
49. How do you inject properties for AMD GPUs?
50. How do you debug DeviceProperties injection issues?


### **Kext Patches**
51. What is the purpose of kernel patches in OpenCore?
52. How do you patch AppleHDA for audio support?
53. What is the role of kernel patches in enabling AMD GPU support?
54. How do you disable macOS telemetry using kernel patches?
55. What is the purpose of the “Disable Library Validation” patch?
56. How do you patch IONVMeFamily for NVMe SSD support?
57. What is the role of kernel patches in fixing DRM issues?
58. How do you patch AppleIntelCPUPM for power management?
59. What is the purpose of the “Disable USB Port Limit” patch?
60. How do you debug kernel patch failures in OpenCore?


### **NVRAM**
61. What is the purpose of NVRAM in OpenCore?
62. How do you enable native NVRAM support on a Hackintosh?
63. What is the role of WriteFlash in NVRAM configuration?
64. How do you fix NVRAM reset issues in OpenCore?
65. What is the purpose of boot-args in NVRAM?
66. How do you enable SIP (System Integrity Protection) using NVRAM?
67. How do you debug NVRAM-related boot issues?
68. What is the role of prev-lang:kbd in NVRAM?
69. How do you clear NVRAM in OpenCore?
70. What is the purpose of csr-active-config in NVRAM?


### **PlatformInfo**
71. What is the purpose of PlatformInfo in OpenCore?
72. How do you generate SMBIOS data using GenSMBIOS?
73. What is the role of MLB, ROM, and UUID in PlatformInfo?
74. How do you spoof a Mac model using PlatformInfo?
75. What is the purpose of SystemProductName in PlatformInfo?
76. How do you fix iMessage and FaceTime using PlatformInfo?
77. What is the role of ProcessorType in PlatformInfo?
78. How do you debug PlatformInfo-related issues?
79. How do you update PlatformInfo for new macOS versions?
80. What is the purpose of BoardSerialNumber in PlatformInfo?


### **XCPM and CPU Power Management**
81. What is the purpose of XCPM in macOS?
82. How do you enable XCPM on Intel CPUs?
83. What is the role of AppleXcpmCfgLock in OpenCore?
84. How do you disable AppleIntelCPUPM in OpenCore?
85. What is the purpose of AppleXcpmExtraMsrs?
86. How do you fix kernel panics related to XCPM?
87. What is the role of ProvideCurrentCpuInfo in CPU power management?
88. How do you enable CPU frequency scaling in macOS?
89. What is the purpose of AppleXcpmForceBoost?
90. How do you debug CPU power management issues in OpenCore?


### **Kernel Patches**
91. What is the purpose of kernel patches in OpenCore?
92. How do you patch the kernel for unsupported CPUs?
93. What is the role of LapicKernelPanic in kernel patches?
94. How do you fix kernel panics related to ACPI?
95. What is the purpose of PanicNoKextDump in kernel patches?
96. How do you patch the kernel for AMD CPUs?
97. What is the role of PowerTimeoutKernelPanic in kernel patches?
98. How do you debug kernel patch failures in OpenCore?
99. What is the purpose of DisableIoMapper in kernel patches?
100. How do you enable kernel debugging in OpenCore?


If you need more questions or specific details on any topic, let me know!


### **ACPI (SSDT/DSDT) Continued**
101. How do you fix USB power issues using ACPI patches?
102. What is the purpose of SSDT-AWAC for 300-series motherboards?
103. How do you enable S3 sleep using ACPI patches?
104. What is the role of SSDT-RTC0 in fixing RTC issues?
105. How do you patch DSDT for USB controller power management?
106. What is the purpose of SSDT-GPRW for fixing wake issues?
107. How do you fix PCI device conflicts using ACPI patches?
108. What is the role of SSDT-PTSWAK in sleep/wake functionality?
109. How do you patch DSDT for battery status on laptops?
110. What is the purpose of SSDT-USBX for USB power management?


### **Drivers Continued**
111. How do you enable OpenCore’s built-in memory allocator?
112. What is the purpose of FwRuntimeServices.efi in OpenCore?
113. How do you fix boot issues related to missing drivers?
114. What is the role of UsbMouseDxe.efi in OpenCore?
115. How do you enable OpenCore’s built-in SMBIOS support?
116. What is the purpose of Ps2KeyboardDxe.efi in OpenCore?
117. How do you troubleshoot driver compatibility issues?
118. What is the role of OpenHfsPlus.efi in OpenCore?
119. How do you enable OpenCore’s built-in ACPI support?
120. What is the purpose of OpenPartitionDxe.efi in OpenCore?


### **Kexts Continued**
121. How do you fix Wi-Fi using AirportItlwm.kext?
122. What is the purpose of IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext?
123. How do you enable Trackpad support using VoodooPS2Controller.kext?
124. What is the role of SMCProcessor.kext in CPU monitoring?
125. How do you fix audio distortion using AppleALC.kext?
126. What is the purpose of SMCSuperIO.kext in fan control?
127. How do you enable GPU acceleration using WhateverGreen.kext?
128. What is the role of LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext for Realtek NICs?
129. How do you fix USB 3.0 issues using XHCI-unsupported.kext?
130. What is the purpose of AGPMInjector.kext for GPU power management?


### **Tools Continued**
131. How do you use OpenCore Sanity Checker to validate config.plist?
132. What is the purpose of Hackintool’s PCIe tab?
133. How do you use Dortania’s OpenCore Install Guide for troubleshooting?
134. What is the role of Clover Configurator in OpenCore setups?
135. How do you use OpenCore’s built-in debug logging?
136. What is the purpose of MaciASL’s patch repository?
137. How do you use Terminal to verify OpenCore EFI structure?
138. What is the role of OpenCore’s VerifyMsrE2 tool?
139. How do you use OpenCore’s built-in ACPI dumping feature?
140. What is the purpose of OpenCore’s BootKicker tool?


### **DeviceProperties Continued**
141. How do you inject properties for Intel UHD Graphics?
142. What is the role of framebuffer-stolenmem in DeviceProperties?
143. How do you fix black screen issues using DeviceProperties?
144. What is the purpose of framebuffer-unifiedmem in DeviceProperties?
145. How do you enable 4K output using DeviceProperties?
146. What is the role of framebuffer-con1-enable in DeviceProperties?
147. How do you fix display artifacts using DeviceProperties?
148. What is the purpose of framebuffer-con1-type in DeviceProperties?
149. How do you inject properties for AMD Navi GPUs?
150. What is the role of framebuffer-con1-busid in DeviceProperties?


### **Kext Patches Continued**
151. How do you patch AppleGraphicsControl for GPU compatibility?
152. What is the purpose of the “Disable GPU Acceleration” patch?
153. How do you fix DRM playback using kernel patches?
154. What is the role of the “Disable USB Port Limit” patch?
155. How do you patch AppleHDA for Realtek audio codecs?
156. What is the purpose of the “Disable Library Validation” patch?
157. How do you fix kernel panics related to IONVMeFamily?
158. What is the role of the “Disable Telemetry” patch?
159. How do you patch AppleIntelCPUPM for Ivy Bridge CPUs?
160. What is the purpose of the “Disable SIP” patch?


### **NVRAM Continued**
161. How do you enable FileVault 2 using NVRAM settings?
162. What is the role of csr-active-config in NVRAM?
163. How do you fix NVRAM-related boot loops?
164. What is the purpose of prev-lang:kbd in NVRAM?
165. How do you enable verbose boot using NVRAM?
166. What is the role of boot-args in NVRAM debugging?
167. How do you fix NVRAM reset issues on Z390 motherboards?
168. What is the purpose of WriteFlash in NVRAM configuration?
169. How do you enable SIP using NVRAM settings?
170. What is the role of SystemAudioVolume in NVRAM?


### **PlatformInfo Continued**
171. How do you generate a valid MLB for PlatformInfo?
172. What is the role of ROM in PlatformInfo for iMessage?
173. How do you spoof a MacBookPro SMBIOS using PlatformInfo?
174. What is the purpose of SystemSerialNumber in PlatformInfo?
175. How do you fix iMessage activation using PlatformInfo?
176. What is the role of BoardSerialNumber in PlatformInfo?
177. How do you debug PlatformInfo-related iMessage issues?
178. What is the purpose of ProcessorType in PlatformInfo?
179. How do you update PlatformInfo for macOS Ventura?
180. What is the role of SmUUID in PlatformInfo?


### **XCPM and CPU Power Management Continued**
181. How do you enable XCPM on Haswell CPUs?
182. What is the role of AppleXcpmCfgLock in CPU power management?
183. How do you fix kernel panics related to XCPM?
184. What is the purpose of AppleXcpmExtraMsrs for Xeon CPUs?
185. How do you enable CPU frequency scaling using XCPM?
186. What is the role of ProvideCurrentCpuInfo in XCPM?
187. How do you debug CPU power management issues on AMD systems?
188. What is the purpose of AppleXcpmForceBoost for performance?
189. How do you disable AppleIntelCPUPM in OpenCore?
190. What is the role of KernelPm in CPU power management?


### **Kernel Patches Continued**
191. How do you patch the kernel for AMD Ryzen CPUs?
192. What is the role of LapicKernelPanic in kernel patches?
193. How do you fix kernel panics related to ACPI?
194. What is the purpose of PanicNoKextDump in kernel patches?
195. How do you patch the kernel for Intel Atom CPUs?
196. What is the role of PowerTimeoutKernelPanic in kernel patches?
197. How do you debug kernel patch failures on AMD systems?
198. What is the purpose of DisableIoMapper in kernel patches?
199. How do you enable kernel debugging in OpenCore?
200. What is the role of KernelLapic in kernel patches?


### **Miscellaneous**
201. How do you enable OpenCore’s built-in Secure Boot?
202. What is the purpose of CustomSMBIOSGuid in OpenCore?
203. How do you fix RTC checksum issues using DisableRtcChecksum?
204. What is the role of ExtendBTFeatureFlags in Bluetooth support?
205. How do you enable Aquantia Ethernet support in OpenCore?
206. What is the purpose of ForceSecureBootScheme in OpenCore?
207. How do you fix PCI BAR size issues using IncreasePciBarSize?
208. What is the role of LegacyCommpage in OpenCore?
209. How do you enable Trim for third-party SSDs using SetApfsTrimTimeout?
210. What is the purpose of XhciPortLimit in OpenCore?


### **XCPM and CPU Power Management**
1. What is XCPM, and how does it work in macOS?
2. What is the purpose of `AppleXcpmCfgLock`?
3. When should you enable `AppleXcpmCfgLock`?
4. What does `AppleXcpmExtraMsrs` do?
5. How does `AppleXcpmForceBoost` affect CPU performance?
6. What is the difference between `AppleXcpmCfgLock` and `AppleCpuPmCfgLock`?
7. Why would you need to emulate CPU power management in macOS?
8. What happens if XCPM is not properly configured on a Hackintosh?
9. How does XCPM differ between Intel and AMD CPUs in macOS?
10. What are the symptoms of improper XCPM configuration?


### **AppleCpuPmCfgLock**
11. What is `AppleCpuPmCfgLock`, and how does it differ from `AppleXcpmCfgLock`?
12. When should you disable `AppleCpuPmCfgLock`?
13. What issues can arise if `AppleCpuPmCfgLock` is not properly configured?
14. How do you check if `AppleCpuPmCfgLock` is enabled in your BIOS?
15. Can `AppleCpuPmCfgLock` be used on AMD-based systems?


### **AppleXcpmCfgLock**
16. What is the purpose of `AppleXcpmCfgLock`?
17. How does `AppleXcpmCfgLock` interact with XCPM?
18. What are the risks of enabling `AppleXcpmCfgLock` on unsupported hardware?
19. How do you disable `AppleXcpmCfgLock` in OpenCore?
20. What are the alternatives to using `AppleXcpmCfgLock`?


### **AppleXcpmExtraMsrs**
21. What does `AppleXcpmExtraMsrs` do?
22. When should you enable `AppleXcpmExtraMsrs`?
23. What are the potential side effects of enabling `AppleXcpmExtraMsrs`?
24. How does `AppleXcpmExtraMsrs` interact with other XCPM settings?
25. Is `AppleXcpmExtraMsrs` required for all Intel CPUs?


### **AppleXcpmForceBoost**
26. What is the purpose of `AppleXcpmForceBoost`?
27. How does `AppleXcpmForceBoost` affect CPU performance?
28. When should you enable `AppleXcpmForceBoost`?
29. What are the risks of enabling `AppleXcpmForceBoost`?
30. Can `AppleXcpmForceBoost` cause overheating issues?


### **CustomPciSerialDevice**
31. What is `CustomPciSerialDevice`, and how is it used?
32. When would you need to configure `CustomPciSerialDevice`?
33. How does `CustomPciSerialDevice` interact with macOS?
34. What are the benefits of using `CustomPciSerialDevice`?
35. Can `CustomPciSerialDevice` cause instability if misconfigured?


### **CustomSMBIOSGuid**
36. What is `CustomSMBIOSGuid`, and why is it used?
37. How does `CustomSMBIOSGuid` affect SMBIOS data?
38. When should you enable `CustomSMBIOSGuid`?
39. What are the risks of enabling `CustomSMBIOSGuid`?
40. Can `CustomSMBIOSGuid` improve compatibility with macOS?


### **DisableIoMapper**
41. What is `DisableIoMapper`, and how does it work?
42. When should you enable `DisableIoMapper`?
43. What are the benefits of disabling the I/O mapper?
44. Can `DisableIoMapper` cause issues with certain hardware?
45. How does `DisableIoMapper` interact with VT-d?


### **DisableIoMapperMapping**
46. What is `DisableIoMapperMapping`, and how does it differ from `DisableIoMapper`?
47. When should you use `DisableIoMapperMapping`?
48. What are the potential side effects of enabling `DisableIoMapperMapping`?
49. How does `DisableIoMapperMapping` affect PCI devices?
50. Can `DisableIoMapperMapping` improve performance?


### **DisableLinkeditJettison**
51. What is `DisableLinkeditJettison`, and how does it work?
52. When should you enable `DisableLinkeditJettison`?
53. What are the benefits of disabling Linkedit Jettison?
54. Can `DisableLinkeditJettison` cause instability?
55. How does `DisableLinkeditJettison` affect kernel extensions?


### **DisableRtcChecksum**
56. What is `DisableRtcChecksum`, and why is it used?
57. When should you enable `DisableRtcChecksum`?
58. What are the risks of disabling RTC checksum?
59. How does `DisableRtcChecksum` affect system stability?
60. Can `DisableRtcChecksum` cause boot issues?


### **ExtendBTFeatureFlags**
61. What is `ExtendBTFeatureFlags`, and how does it work?
62. When should you enable `ExtendBTFeatureFlags`?
63. What are the benefits of extending Bluetooth feature flags?
64. Can `ExtendBTFeatureFlags` cause compatibility issues?
65. How does `ExtendBTFeatureFlags` interact with Bluetooth devices?


### **ExternalDiskIcons**
66. What is `ExternalDiskIcons`, and how does it work?
67. When should you enable `ExternalDiskIcons`?
68. What are the benefits of customizing external disk icons?
69. Can `ExternalDiskIcons` cause display issues?
70. How does `ExternalDiskIcons` interact with macOS disk utility?


### **ForceAquantiaEthernet**
71. What is `ForceAquantiaEthernet`, and how does it work?
72. When should you enable `ForceAquantiaEthernet`?
73. What are the benefits of forcing Aquantia Ethernet support?
74. Can `ForceAquantiaEthernet` cause network issues?
75. How does `ForceAquantiaEthernet` interact with macOS networking?


### **ForceSecureBootScheme**
76. What is `ForceSecureBootScheme`, and how does it work?
77. When should you enable `ForceSecureBootScheme`?
78. What are the risks of forcing a secure boot scheme?
79. Can `ForceSecureBootScheme` cause boot issues?
80. How does `ForceSecureBootScheme` interact with OpenCore?


### **IncreasePciBarSize**
81. What is `IncreasePciBarSize`, and how does it work?
82. When should you enable `IncreasePciBarSize`?
83. What are the benefits of increasing PCI BAR size?
84. Can `IncreasePciBarSize` cause instability?
85. How does `IncreasePciBarSize` affect PCI devices?


### **LapicKernelPanic**
86. What is `LapicKernelPanic`, and how does it work?
87. When should you enable `LapicKernelPanic`?
88. What are the risks of enabling `LapicKernelPanic`?
89. Can `LapicKernelPanic` cause boot issues?
90. How does `LapicKernelPanic` interact with macOS kernel?


### **LegacyCommpage**
91. What is `LegacyCommpage`, and how does it work?
92. When should you enable `LegacyCommpage`?
93. What are the benefits of using `LegacyCommpage`?
94. Can `LegacyCommpage` cause compatibility issues?
95. How does `LegacyCommpage` interact with macOS?


### **PanicNoKextDump**
96. What is `PanicNoKextDump`, and how does it work?
97. When should you enable `PanicNoKextDump`?
98. What are the benefits of disabling kext dumps during panic?
99. Can `PanicNoKextDump` cause debugging issues?
100. How does `PanicNoKextDump` interact with macOS kernel panics?



Please share your favourite questions and answer.

Edited by nmano

BTW: Some of these question will never be answered adequately by an A.I. Expecially everything related to creating ACPI tables. If you don't believe me, tell it to create a custom SSDT for manually mapping USB ports via ACPI and watch it fall miserably. :D

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, cankiulascmnfye said:

BTW: Some of these question will never be answered adequately by an A.I. Expecially everything related to creating ACPI tables. If you don't believe me, tell it to create a custom SSDT for manually mapping USB ports via ACPI and watch it fall miserably. :D

Its do everything for me.

5 minutes ago, nmano said:

Its do everything for me.

This is certainly an interesting experience.

But there is a contradiction here. For an experienced user, the answers to most questions are known and there is no need to ask them. An inexperienced user will simply drown in a ocean of information received if he asks all these questions...

I also experimented with AI to solve some difficult situations. Much depends on how to formulate the question and what additional clarifications are subsequently provided. Again, only an experienced user can figure out where the AI is telling the truth and where it is clearly wrong.

  • Like 2

I just asked Deepseek.This is for a test.

Create an SSDT for DMAR disable and enabled.My system info Z790 motherboard with i9 13900K OS macOS 15.3


Creating an SSDT (Secondary System Description Table) to disable or enable the DMAR (DMA Remapping) table is a common task for Hackintosh users who want to bypass issues related to VT-d (Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O). The DMAR table is part of the ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) and is used for DMA remapping, which can cause issues with macOS if not handled properly.

Below, I'll provide a basic SSDT to disable DMAR. This SSDT can be used in your OpenCore or Clover bootloader to override the DMAR table.

Steps to Create an SSDT for DMAR Disable

  1. Download and Install Necessary Tools:

    • MaciASL: A tool for editing and compiling ACPI tables.

    • OpenCore Configurator or ProperTree: For managing your OpenCore configuration.

  2. Create the SSDT:

    • Open MaciASL and create a new SSDT file.

    • Paste the following code into the new SSDT file:


@nmano, this is a good example of an irrational solution to a problem by AI.

Instead of adding an extra table, the developers recommend using the corrected DMAR Table and the corresponding entries in the config sections ACPI ---> Add && ACPI ---> Delete

  • Like 1

I asked deep seek my first question out of 400 questions.


1. What is DeviceProperties in OpenCore?



In OpenCore, `DeviceProperties` is a section within the configuration file (`config.plist`) used to inject specific properties into devices in the system's device tree. This is primarily used to customize or override the behavior of hardware components, such as GPUs, audio controllers, and other peripherals, to ensure proper functionality in macOS.

### Key Uses of `DeviceProperties`:
1. **GPU Property Injection**:
   - Inject properties like `AAPL,ig-platform-id`, `model`, `framebuffer-patch-enable`, and others to ensure proper GPU initialization and functionality.
   - Commonly used for Intel integrated GPUs (iGPUs) and AMD dGPUs.

2. **Audio Configuration**:
   - Inject properties for audio controllers (e.g., `layout-id`) to enable onboard audio or fix audio issues.

3. **Networking and Other Devices**:
   - Customize properties for network controllers, USB controllers, or other devices to ensure compatibility with macOS.

4. **ACPI Device Customization**:
   - Inject properties into ACPI devices to modify their behavior or enable specific features.

### Structure of `DeviceProperties`:
The `DeviceProperties` section is organized as a dictionary in the `config.plist`. Each key in the dictionary represents a device path (e.g., `PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0)` for an Intel iGPU), and the value is another dictionary containing the properties to inject.


### Explanation of the Example:
- **`PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0)`**: Refers to the Intel iGPU. Properties like `AAPL,ig-platform-id` and `framebuffer-stolenmem` are injected to configure the GPU.
- **`PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x3)`**: Refers to the audio controller. The `layout-id` property is injected to specify the audio layout.

### Tools for Managing `DeviceProperties`:
- **ProperTree**: A plist editor that helps manage OpenCore configurations.
- **Hackintool**: Can help identify device paths and required properties.
- **OpenCore Configurator**: A graphical tool for editing `config.plist`.

### Notes:
- Use `gfxutil` or `Hackintool` to find the correct device paths for your hardware.
- Be cautious when injecting properties, as incorrect values can lead to system instability or failure to boot.
- Always back up your `config.plist` before making changes.

By properly configuring `DeviceProperties`, you can ensure that your hardware is correctly recognized and functions as expected in macOS.



@nmano, ask the AI:


When boot the macOS El Capitan installer (Hackintosh), it stops. How to fix it?


24:443 00:025 OCAK: Failed to pk find com.apple.filesystems.apfs - Not Found

24:467 00:024 OCAK: [OK] Skipping apfs timeout on 150600

24:492 00:024 OC: Prelinked patcher result 0 for com.apple.driver.AppleRTC (Disable RTC wake scheduling) - Success

24:555 00:063 OC: Prelinked status - Success

24:585 00:029 OCSMC: SmcReadValue Key 4D535463 Size 1

24:609 00:023 OCSMC: SmcReadValue Key 4D534163 Size 2


You will be amazed at how many inconsistencies and stupidities will be given in response.

  • Like 1

Tell me about history https://www.insanelymac.com/



InsanelyMac is a popular online community and forum dedicated to discussions about running macOS on non-Apple hardware, a practice often referred to as "Hackintosh." The site has been a significant resource for enthusiasts and developers interested in exploring and customizing macOS installations on PCs.

### History of InsanelyMac

1. **Founding and Early Days**:
   - InsanelyMac was founded in the mid-2000s, around the time when Apple transitioned its Macintosh computers from PowerPC processors to Intel processors. This transition made it theoretically possible to run macOS on standard Intel-based PCs, sparking interest in the Hackintosh community.
   - The site quickly became a hub for sharing knowledge, tools, and techniques for installing and running macOS on non-Apple hardware.

2. **Growth and Community Development**:
   - As the Hackintosh scene grew, so did InsanelyMac. The forum attracted a diverse group of users, from hobbyists to advanced developers, who shared their experiences, solutions, and custom software.
   - The community developed and shared essential tools like bootloaders (e.g., Chameleon, Clover) and kexts (kernel extensions) that made it easier to install and run macOS on a wide range of hardware configurations.

3. **Key Milestones**:
   - **OSx86 Project**: InsanelyMac was closely associated with the OSx86 project, which aimed to run macOS on x86 architecture PCs. The project's name is a portmanteau of "OS X" (the former name of macOS) and "x86," the architecture used by Intel processors.
   - **Development of Bootloaders**: The community played a crucial role in developing and refining bootloaders like Chameleon and Clover, which are essential for booting macOS on non-Apple hardware.
   - **macOS Releases**: With each new release of macOS, the community would work to adapt and find solutions for new challenges, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of hardware.

4. **Legal and Ethical Considerations**:
   - Running macOS on non-Apple hardware is a violation of Apple's End User License Agreement (EULA). As a result, InsanelyMac and similar communities have always walked a fine line, emphasizing the importance of using legally obtained copies of macOS and discouraging piracy.
   - The site has generally focused on the technical and educational aspects of Hackintoshing rather than promoting illegal activities.

5. **Recent Developments**:
   - With the release of Apple Silicon (M1, M2 chips) and the transition away from Intel processors, the Hackintosh scene faces new challenges. Running macOS on non-Apple hardware may become more difficult or even impossible as Apple continues to integrate its hardware and software more tightly.
   - Despite these challenges, InsanelyMac remains an active community, with discussions now also covering virtualization, legacy systems, and other related topics.

### Community and Resources

- **Forums**: InsanelyMac's forums are divided into various sections, including installation guides, hardware compatibility, troubleshooting, and development.
- **Guides and Tutorials**: The site hosts a wealth of guides and tutorials to help users navigate the complexities of creating a Hackintosh.
- **Community Support**: The community is known for its collaborative spirit, with experienced users often helping newcomers troubleshoot their setups.

### Conclusion

InsanelyMac has played a pivotal role in the Hackintosh community, providing a platform for enthusiasts to share knowledge, develop tools, and push the boundaries of what's possible with macOS on non-Apple hardware. While the future of Hackintoshing is uncertain due to Apple's hardware transitions, the legacy and contributions of InsanelyMac remain significant in the world of custom computing.

  • Like 1

@nmano, "Tell me about history https://www.insanelymac.com/" - this is a simple question for AI

In the answer, any inaccuracy can be regarded as a special opinion, just as it happens in human communication or creativity.

But in technical matters there can be no opinions - here it is either right or wrong.

  • Like 2



### **General Questions**
1. What is Lilu.kext used for in Hackintosh?
2. How does VirtualSMC.kext differ from FakeSMC.kext?
3. What is the purpose of AppleALC.kext?
4. How do USBPorts.kext files improve USB functionality?
5. What does WhateverGreen.kext do for GPU compatibility?
6. How does AirportItlwm_sonoma.kext enable Wi-Fi on Hackintosh?
7. What is the role of BlueToolFixup.kext in Bluetooth functionality?
8. How does IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext work with Intel Bluetooth chips?
9. What is IntelBTPatcher.kext used for?
10. How does LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext improve Ethernet connectivity?
11. What is FeatureUnlock.kext, and what features does it unlock?
12. How does itlwm_v2.3.0_stable_Sequoia.kext differ from AirportItlwm_sonoma.kext?
13. Why might you need multiple USBPorts.kext files?
14. What is the purpose of RestrictEvents.kext in Hackintosh?
15. How does AudioDxe.efi improve audio functionality?
16. What is the role of HfsPlus.efi in Hackintosh booting?
17. How does OpenCanopy.efi enhance the OpenCore bootloader interface?
18. What is the purpose of OpenRuntime.efi in OpenCore?
19. How does ResetNvramEntry.efi help with NVRAM management?
20. What are the common issues when using Lilu.kext?


### **Installation and Configuration**
21. How do you install Lilu.kext in OpenCore?
22. What are the required dependencies for VirtualSMC.kext?
23. How do you configure AppleALC.kext for specific audio codecs?
24. How do you create a custom USBPorts.kext for your system?
25. What settings are needed in WhateverGreen.kext for AMD GPUs?
26. How do you install AirportItlwm_sonoma.kext for Wi-Fi functionality?
27. What are the steps to enable Bluetooth using BlueToolFixup.kext?
28. How do you configure IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext for Intel Bluetooth chips?
29. What patches are required for IntelBTPatcher.kext to work?
30. How do you install LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext for Ethernet support?
31. What features can be unlocked using FeatureUnlock.kext?
32. How do you configure itlwm_v2.3.0_stable_Sequoia.kext for Wi-Fi?
33. How do you map USB ports for USBPorts.kext?
34. What are the configuration options for RestrictEvents.kext?
35. How do you add AudioDxe.efi to your OpenCore EFI folder?
36. What is the process for integrating HfsPlus.efi into OpenCore?
37. How do you enable OpenCanopy.efi for a graphical boot menu?
38. What settings are required for OpenRuntime.efi in config.plist?
39. How do you use ResetNvramEntry.efi to reset NVRAM?
40. What are the common mistakes when installing Lilu.kext?


### **Troubleshooting**
41. What should you do if Lilu.kext fails to load?
42. How do you troubleshoot VirtualSMC.kext not detecting hardware sensors?
43. What are the common audio issues with AppleALC.kext?
44. How do you fix USB port issues with USBPorts.kext?
45. What should you do if WhateverGreen.kext causes GPU artifacts?
46. How do you troubleshoot AirportItlwm_sonoma.kext not enabling Wi-Fi?
47. What are the common Bluetooth issues with BlueToolFixup.kext?
48. How do you fix IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext not working?
49. What should you do if IntelBTPatcher.kext fails to apply patches?
50. How do you troubleshoot LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext not detecting Ethernet?
51. What are the common issues with FeatureUnlock.kext?
52. How do you fix itlwm_v2.3.0_stable_Sequoia.kext not enabling Wi-Fi?
53. What should you do if USBPorts.kext causes USB device disconnections?
54. How do you troubleshoot RestrictEvents.kext not working?
55. What are the common audio issues with AudioDxe.efi?
56. How do you fix HfsPlus.efi not loading during boot?
57. What should you do if OpenCanopy.efi doesn’t display the boot menu?
58. How do you troubleshoot OpenRuntime.efi causing boot failures?
59. What are the common issues with ResetNvramEntry.efi?
60. How do you debug Lilu.kext-related kernel panics?


### **Compatibility**
61. Is Lilu.kext compatible with macOS Sonoma?
62. Does VirtualSMC.kext work with AMD-based Hackintosh systems?
63. What audio codecs are supported by AppleALC.kext?
64. Is USBPorts.kext compatible with all motherboard chipsets?
65. Does WhateverGreen.kext support NVIDIA GPUs on macOS Monterey?
66. Is AirportItlwm_sonoma.kext compatible with Intel AX200 Wi-Fi cards?
67. Does BlueToolFixup.kext work with Broadcom Bluetooth chips?
68. Is IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext compatible with macOS Ventura?
69. Does IntelBTPatcher.kext support all Intel Bluetooth chips?
70. Is LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext compatible with Realtek RTL8125 chips?
71. Does FeatureUnlock.kext work on macOS Big Sur?
72. Is itlwm_v2.3.0_stable_Sequoia.kext compatible with macOS Sequoia?
73. Does USBPorts.kext work with USB-C ports?
74. Is RestrictEvents.kext compatible with OpenCore 0.9.0?
75. Does AudioDxe.efi work with HDMI audio output?
76. Is HfsPlus.efi compatible with macOS Recovery?
77. Does OpenCanopy.efi support custom themes?
78. Is OpenRuntime.efi compatible with legacy BIOS systems?
79. Does ResetNvramEntry.efi work on AMD-based Hackintosh systems?
80. Is Lilu.kext compatible with macOS Ventura?


### **Optimization**
81. How do you optimize Lilu.kext for better performance?
82. What are the best settings for VirtualSMC.kext in config.plist?
83. How do you optimize AppleALC.kext for low-latency audio?
84. What are the best practices for creating USBPorts.kext?
85. How do you optimize WhateverGreen.kext for better GPU performance?
86. What are the best settings for AirportItlwm_sonoma.kext?
87. How do you optimize BlueToolFixup.kext for faster Bluetooth connections?
88. What are the best practices for using IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext?
89. How do you optimize IntelBTPatcher.kext for better Bluetooth performance?
90. What are the best settings for LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext?
91. How do you optimize FeatureUnlock.kext for maximum feature compatibility?
92. What are the best practices for using itlwm_v2.3.0_stable_Sequoia.kext?
93. How do you optimize USBPorts.kext for USB 3.0 speeds?
94. What are the best settings for RestrictEvents.kext in config.plist?
95. How do you optimize AudioDxe.efi for better audio quality?
96. What are the best practices for using HfsPlus.efi?
97. How do you optimize OpenCanopy.efi for faster boot times?
98. What are the best settings for OpenRuntime.efi in config.plist?
99. How do you optimize ResetNvramEntry.efi for better NVRAM management?
100. What are the best practices for using Lilu.kext with OpenCore?


### **Advanced Topics**
101. How do you patch Lilu.kext for custom functionality?
102. What are the advanced settings for VirtualSMC.kext?
103. How do you create custom patches for AppleALC.kext?
104. What are the advanced techniques for mapping USB ports in USBPorts.kext?
105. How do you create custom GPU patches with WhateverGreen.kext?
106. What are the advanced settings for AirportItlwm_sonoma.kext?
107. How do you debug BlueToolFixup.kext for Bluetooth issues?
108. What are the advanced techniques for using IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext?
109. How do you create custom patches for IntelBTPatcher.kext?
110. What are the advanced settings for LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext?
111. How do you unlock hidden macOS features with FeatureUnlock.kext?
112. What are the advanced techniques for using itlwm_v2.3.0_stable_Sequoia.kext?
113. How do you debug USBPorts.kext for USB issues?
114. What are the advanced settings for RestrictEvents.kext?
115. How do you create custom audio patches with AudioDxe.efi?
116. What are the advanced techniques for using HfsPlus.efi?
117. How do you customize OpenCanopy.efi for a unique boot menu?
118. What are the advanced settings for OpenRuntime.efi?
119. How do you debug ResetNvramEntry.efi for NVRAM issues?
120. What are the advanced techniques for using Lilu.kext with OpenCore?


### **Miscellaneous**
121. What are the alternatives to Lilu.kext?
122. How do you update VirtualSMC.kext to the latest version?
123. What are the common audio codecs supported by AppleALC.kext?
124. How do you test USB port functionality with USBPorts.kext?
125. What are the alternatives to WhateverGreen.kext?
126. How do you update AirportItlwm_sonoma.kext to the latest version?
127. What are the alternatives to BlueToolFixup.kext?
128. How do you update IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext to the latest version?
129. What are the alternatives to IntelBTPatcher.kext?
130. How do you update LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext to the latest version?
131. What are the alternatives to FeatureUnlock.kext?
132. How do you update itlwm_v2.3.0_stable_Sequoia.kext to the latest version?
133. What are the alternatives to USBPorts.kext?
134. How do you update RestrictEvents.kext to the latest version?
135. What are the alternatives to AudioDxe.efi?
136. How do you update HfsPlus.efi to the latest version?
137. What are the alternatives to OpenCanopy.efi?
138. How do you update OpenRuntime.efi to the latest version?
139. What are the alternatives to ResetNvramEntry.efi?
140. How do you update Lilu.kext to the latest version?


### **Future Updates**
141. Will Lilu.kext be updated for macOS 15?
142. What new features are planned for VirtualSMC.kext?
143. Will AppleALC.kext support new audio codecs in the future?
144. What improvements are planned for USBPorts.kext?
145. Will WhateverGreen.kext support future macOS versions?
146. What updates are planned for AirportItlwm_sonoma.kext?
147. Will BlueToolFixup.kext support new Bluetooth chips?
148. What improvements are planned for IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext?
149. Will IntelBTPatcher.kext support future Intel Bluetooth chips?
150. What updates are planned for LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext?
151. Will FeatureUnlock.kext unlock new macOS features?
152. What improvements are planned for itlwm_v2.3.0_stable_Sequoia.kext?
153. Will USBPorts.kext support USB4 in the future?
154. What updates are planned for RestrictEvents.kext?
155. Will AudioDxe.efi support new audio formats?
156. What improvements are planned for HfsPlus.efi?
157. Will OpenCanopy.efi support new themes in the future?
158. What updates are planned for OpenRuntime.efi?
159. Will ResetNvramEntry.efi support new NVRAM formats?
160. What improvements are planned for Lilu.kext?


### **Community and Resources**
161. Where can I find the latest version of Lilu.kext?
162. What are the best forums for VirtualSMC.kext support?
163. Where can I find documentation for AppleALC.kext?
164. What are the best tools for creating USBPorts.kext?
165. Where can I find the latest version of WhateverGreen.kext?
166. What are the best forums for AirportItlwm_sonoma.kext support?
167. Where can I find documentation for BlueToolFixup.kext?
168. What are the best tools for debugging IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext?
169. Where can I find the latest version of IntelBTPatcher.kext?
170. What are the best forums for LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext support?
171. Where can I find documentation for FeatureUnlock.kext?
172. What are the best tools for debugging itlwm_v2.3.0_stable_Sequoia.kext?
173. Where can I find the latest version of USBPorts.kext?
174. What are the best forums for RestrictEvents.kext support?
175. Where can I find documentation for AudioDxe.efi?
176. What are the best tools for debugging HfsPlus.efi?
177. Where can I find the latest version of OpenCanopy.efi?
178. What are the best forums for OpenRuntime.efi support?
179. Where can I find documentation for ResetNvramEntry.efi?
180. What are the best tools for debugging Lilu.kext?


### **Development and Contributions**
181. How can I contribute to Lilu.kext development?
182. What are the best practices for contributing to VirtualSMC.kext?
183. How can I contribute to AppleALC.kext development?
184. What are the best practices for contributing to USBPorts.kext?
185. How can I contribute to WhateverGreen.kext development?
186. What are the best practices for contributing to AirportItlwm_sonoma.kext?
187. How can I contribute to BlueToolFixup.kext development?
188. What are the best practices for contributing to IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext?
189. How can I contribute to IntelBTPatcher.kext development?
190. What are the best practices for contributing to LucyRTL8125Ethernet.kext?
191. How can I contribute to FeatureUnlock.kext development?
192. What are the best practices for contributing to itlwm_v2.3.0_stable_Sequoia.kext?
193. How can I contribute to USBPorts.kext development?
194. What are the best practices for contributing to RestrictEvents.kext?
195. How can I contribute to AudioDxe.efi development?
196. What are the best practices for contributing to HfsPlus.efi?
197. How can I contribute to OpenCanopy.efi development?
198. What are the best practices for contributing to OpenRuntime.efi?
199. How can I contribute to ResetNvramEntry.efi development?
200. What are the best practices for contributing to Lilu.kext development?



More then 500 patches find and replace

just samples.

Patch Entry Structure in config.plist

Patch entries are typically found under:

  • Kernel -> Patch (for kernel-level patches)

  • ACPI -> Patch (for ACPI table patches)

Each patch entry generally includes:

  • Comment: A description of the patch.

  • Enabled: Whether the patch is active (true/false).

  • Count: Number of replacements (usually 0 for unlimited).

  • Find: The data to search for (hex or text).

  • Replace: The data to replace with (hex or text).

Example Patch Entries

Kernel Patches (for macOS Kernel)

  1. Disable USB Port Limit (macOS Big Sur and later)

    • Comment: Disable USB Port Limit

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 0

    • Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10

    • Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  2. Fix AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement Panic

    • Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement Panic

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 750D33D2

    • Replace: EB0D33D2

  3. Enable TRIM for Non-Apple SSDs

    • Comment: Enable TRIM

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 4150504C4520535344

    • Replace: 0000000000000000

  4. Disable Kernel Debugging

    • Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 0100000075

    • Replace: 01000000EB

  5. Fix RTC Memory Mapping

    • Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 81FAA54C

    • Replace: 81FA0000

ACPI Patches (for DSDT/SSDT)

  1. Fix _OSI to XOSI

    • Comment: Change _OSI to XOSI

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 0

    • Find: 5F4F5349

    • Replace: 584F5349

  2. Fix HPET Device

    • Comment: Fix HPET Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 48464554

    • Replace: 48464558

  3. Rename GFX0 to IGPU

    • Comment: Rename GFX0 to IGPU

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 0

    • Find: 47465830

    • Replace: 49475055

  4. Fix EC0 Device

    • Comment: Rename EC0 to EC

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 0

    • Find: 4543305F

    • Replace: 45435F5F

  5. Fix AWAC Device

    • Comment: Fix AWAC Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 41574143

    • Replace: 41444143



  1. Use Case-Specific Patches: Identify specific issues with your hardware or macOS version and create patches for them.

  2. Use Prebuilt Patch Collections: Refer to repositories like Dortania’s OpenCore Guide or Acidanthera’s GitHub for common patches.

  3. Automate Patch Creation: Use tools like MacIASL or OCAT to generate patches.

Important Notes

  • Backup Your config.plist: Always back up your configuration before making changes.

  • Test Patches Individually: Enable one patch at a time to ensure stability.

  • Use Debugging Tools: Use OpenCore’s debugging tools to identify issues and verify patches.



Kernel Patches

  1. Fix AppleHDA Audio

    • Comment: Fix AppleHDA Audio

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 8419D411

    • Replace: 00000000

  2. Disable GPU Acceleration

    • Comment: Disable GPU Acceleration

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 0100007521

    • Replace: 010000EB21

  3. Enable XCPM on Ivy Bridge

    • Comment: Enable XCPM on Ivy Bridge

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: C3A090909090

    • Replace: C3A0EB319090

  4. Fix Intel HD Graphics 4000

    • Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 4000

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 010303030000000200300000

    • Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  5. Disable Kernel Logging

    • Comment: Disable Kernel Logging

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 0100000075

    • Replace: 01000000EB

  6. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic

    • Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 750D33D2

    • Replace: EB0D33D2

  7. Enable TRIM for NVMe SSDs

    • Comment: Enable TRIM for NVMe

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 4150504C4520535344

    • Replace: 0000000000000000

  8. Fix USB Power Injection

    • Comment: Fix USB Power Injection

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10

    • Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  9. Disable Kernel Debugging

    • Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 0100000075

    • Replace: 01000000EB

  10. Fix RTC Memory Mapping

    • Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 81FAA54C

    • Replace: 81FA0000

  11. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC892

    • Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC892

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 8419D411

    • Replace: 00000000

  12. Enable XCPM on Haswell

    • Comment: Enable XCPM on Haswell

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: C3A090909090

    • Replace: C3A0EB319090

  13. Fix Intel HD Graphics 3000

    • Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 3000

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 010303030000000200300000

    • Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  14. Disable Kernel Logging

    • Comment: Disable Kernel Logging

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 0100000075

    • Replace: 01000000EB

  15. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic

    • Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 750D33D2

    • Replace: EB0D33D2

  16. Enable TRIM for SATA SSDs

    • Comment: Enable TRIM for SATA

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 4150504C4520535344

    • Replace: 0000000000000000

  17. Fix USB Power Injection

    • Comment: Fix USB Power Injection

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10

    • Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  18. Disable Kernel Debugging

    • Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 0100000075

    • Replace: 01000000EB

  19. Fix RTC Memory Mapping

    • Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 81FAA54C

    • Replace: 81FA0000

  20. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC887

    • Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC887

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 8419D411

    • Replace: 00000000

ACPI Patches (Examples 51–100)

  1. Rename GFX0 to IGPU

    • Comment: Rename GFX0 to IGPU

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 0

    • Find: 47465830

    • Replace: 49475055

  2. Rename EC0 to EC

    • Comment: Rename EC0 to EC

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 0

    • Find: 4543305F

    • Replace: 45435F5F

  3. Fix HPET Device

    • Comment: Fix HPET Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 48464554

    • Replace: 48464558

  4. Fix _OSI to XOSI

    • Comment: Change _OSI to XOSI

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 0

    • Find: 5F4F5349

    • Replace: 584F5349

  5. Fix AWAC Device

    • Comment: Fix AWAC Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 41574143

    • Replace: 41444143

  6. Fix PNLF Device

    • Comment: Fix PNLF Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 504E4C46

    • Replace: 504E4C58

  7. Fix SMBus Device

    • Comment: Fix SMBus Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 534D4255

    • Replace: 534D4258

  8. Fix TPM Device

    • Comment: Fix TPM Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 54504D5F

    • Replace: 54504D58

  9. Fix USB Device

    • Comment: Fix USB Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 5553425F

    • Replace: 55534258

  10. Fix PCI0 Device

    • Comment: Fix PCI0 Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 50434930

    • Replace: 50434958

  11. Fix LPC Device

    • Comment: Fix LPC Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 4C50435F

    • Replace: 4C504358

  12. Fix SAT0 Device

    • Comment: Fix SAT0 Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 53415430

    • Replace: 53415458

  13. Fix PEGP Device

    • Comment: Fix PEGP Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 50454750

    • Replace: 50454758

  14. Fix HECI Device

    • Comment: Fix HECI Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 48454349

    • Replace: 48454358

  15. Fix MEI Device

    • Comment: Fix MEI Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 4D45495F

    • Replace: 4D454958

  16. Fix XHC Device

    • Comment: Fix XHC Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 5848435F

    • Replace: 58484358

  17. Fix HDAS Device

    • Comment: Fix HDAS Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 48444153

    • Replace: 48444158

  18. Fix SBUS Device

    • Comment: Fix SBUS Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 53425553

    • Replace: 53425558

  19. Fix GFX0 Device

    • Comment: Fix GFX0 Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 47465830

    • Replace: 47465858

  20. Fix EC0 Device

    • Comment: Fix EC0 Device

    • Enabled: True

    • Count: 1

    • Find: 4543305F

    • Replace: 45433058


Kernel Patches (Examples 101–150)

  1. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC898
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC898
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  2. Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  3. Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  4. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  5. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  6. Enable TRIM for NVMe SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for NVMe
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  7. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  8. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  9. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  10. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC892
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC892
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  11. Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  12. Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  13. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  14. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  15. Enable TRIM for SATA SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for SATA
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  16. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  17. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  18. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  19. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC887
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC887
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  20. Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

ACPI Patches (Examples 151–200)

  1. Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Comment: Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 49475055

  2. Rename EC0 to EC
    - Comment: Rename EC0 to EC
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45435F5F

  3. Fix HPET Device
    - Comment: Fix HPET Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48464554
    - Replace: 48464558

  4. Fix _OSI to XOSI
    - Comment: Change _OSI to XOSI
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 5F4F5349
    - Replace: 584F5349

  5. Fix AWAC Device
    - Comment: Fix AWAC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 41574143
    - Replace: 41444143

  6. Fix PNLF Device
    - Comment: Fix PNLF Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 504E4C46
    - Replace: 504E4C58

  7. Fix SMBus Device
    - Comment: Fix SMBus Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 534D4255
    - Replace: 534D4258

  8. Fix TPM Device
    - Comment: Fix TPM Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 54504D5F
    - Replace: 54504D58

  9. Fix USB Device
    - Comment: Fix USB Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5553425F
    - Replace: 55534258

  10. Fix PCI0 Device
    - Comment: Fix PCI0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50434930
    - Replace: 50434958

  11. Fix LPC Device
    - Comment: Fix LPC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4C50435F
    - Replace: 4C504358

  12. Fix SAT0 Device
    - Comment: Fix SAT0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53415430
    - Replace: 53415458

  13. Fix PEGP Device
    - Comment: Fix PEGP Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50454750
    - Replace: 50454758

  14. Fix HECI Device
    - Comment: Fix HECI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48454349
    - Replace: 48454358

  15. Fix MEI Device
    - Comment: Fix MEI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4D45495F
    - Replace: 4D454958

  16. Fix XHC Device
    - Comment: Fix XHC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5848435F
    - Replace: 58484358

  17. Fix HDAS Device
    - Comment: Fix HDAS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48444153
    - Replace: 48444158

  18. Fix SBUS Device
    - Comment: Fix SBUS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53425553
    - Replace: 53425558

  19. Fix GFX0 Device
    - Comment: Fix GFX0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 47465858

  20. Fix EC0 Device
    - Comment: Fix EC0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45433058


Kernel and kext Patches (Examples 201–250)

  1. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC898
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC898
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  2. Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  3. Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  4. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  5. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  6. Enable TRIM for NVMe SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for NVMe
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  7. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  8. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  9. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  10. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC892
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC892
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  11. Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  12. Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  13. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  14. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  15. Enable TRIM for SATA SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for SATA
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  16. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  17. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  18. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  19. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC887
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC887
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  20. Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

ACPI Patches (Examples 251–300)

  1. Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Comment: Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 49475055

  2. Rename EC0 to EC
    - Comment: Rename EC0 to EC
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45435F5F

  3. Fix HPET Device
    - Comment: Fix HPET Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48464554
    - Replace: 48464558

  4. Fix _OSI to XOSI
    - Comment: Change _OSI to XOSI
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 5F4F5349
    - Replace: 584F5349

  5. Fix AWAC Device
    - Comment: Fix AWAC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 41574143
    - Replace: 41444143

  6. Fix PNLF Device
    - Comment: Fix PNLF Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 504E4C46
    - Replace: 504E4C58

  7. Fix SMBus Device
    - Comment: Fix SMBus Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 534D4255
    - Replace: 534D4258

  8. Fix TPM Device
    - Comment: Fix TPM Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 54504D5F
    - Replace: 54504D58

  9. Fix USB Device
    - Comment: Fix USB Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5553425F
    - Replace: 55534258

  10. Fix PCI0 Device
    - Comment: Fix PCI0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50434930
    - Replace: 50434958

  11. Fix LPC Device
    - Comment: Fix LPC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4C50435F
    - Replace: 4C504358

  12. Fix SAT0 Device
    - Comment: Fix SAT0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53415430
    - Replace: 53415458

  13. Fix PEGP Device
    - Comment: Fix PEGP Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50454750
    - Replace: 50454758

  14. Fix HECI Device
    - Comment: Fix HECI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48454349
    - Replace: 48454358

  15. Fix MEI Device
    - Comment: Fix MEI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4D45495F
    - Replace: 4D454958

  16. Fix XHC Device
    - Comment: Fix XHC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5848435F
    - Replace: 58484358

  17. Fix HDAS Device
    - Comment: Fix HDAS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48444153
    - Replace: 48444158

  18. Fix SBUS Device
    - Comment: Fix SBUS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53425553
    - Replace: 53425558

  19. Fix GFX0 Device
    - Comment: Fix GFX0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 47465858

  20. Fix EC0 Device
    - Comment: Fix EC0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45433058


Kernel and kext Patches (Examples 301–350)

  1. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC898
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC898
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  2. Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  3. Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  4. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  5. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  6. Enable TRIM for NVMe SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for NVMe
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  7. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  8. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  9. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  10. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC892
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC892
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  11. Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  12. Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  13. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  14. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  15. Enable TRIM for SATA SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for SATA
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  16. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  17. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  18. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  19. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC887
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC887
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  20. Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

ACPI Patches (Examples 351–400)

  1. Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Comment: Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 49475055

  2. Rename EC0 to EC
    - Comment: Rename EC0 to EC
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45435F5F

  3. Fix HPET Device
    - Comment: Fix HPET Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48464554
    - Replace: 48464558

  4. Fix _OSI to XOSI
    - Comment: Change _OSI to XOSI
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 5F4F5349
    - Replace: 584F5349

  5. Fix AWAC Device
    - Comment: Fix AWAC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 41574143
    - Replace: 41444143

  6. Fix PNLF Device
    - Comment: Fix PNLF Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 504E4C46
    - Replace: 504E4C58

  7. Fix SMBus Device
    - Comment: Fix SMBus Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 534D4255
    - Replace: 534D4258

  8. Fix TPM Device
    - Comment: Fix TPM Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 54504D5F
    - Replace: 54504D58

  9. Fix USB Device
    - Comment: Fix USB Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5553425F
    - Replace: 55534258

  10. Fix PCI0 Device
    - Comment: Fix PCI0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50434930
    - Replace: 50434958

  11. Fix LPC Device
    - Comment: Fix LPC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4C50435F
    - Replace: 4C504358

  12. Fix SAT0 Device
    - Comment: Fix SAT0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53415430
    - Replace: 53415458

  13. Fix PEGP Device
    - Comment: Fix PEGP Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50454750
    - Replace: 50454758

  14. Fix HECI Device
    - Comment: Fix HECI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48454349
    - Replace: 48454358

  15. Fix MEI Device
    - Comment: Fix MEI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4D45495F
    - Replace: 4D454958

  16. Fix XHC Device
    - Comment: Fix XHC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5848435F
    - Replace: 58484358

  17. Fix HDAS Device
    - Comment: Fix HDAS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48444153
    - Replace: 48444158

  18. Fix SBUS Device
    - Comment: Fix SBUS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53425553
    - Replace: 53425558

  19. Fix GFX0 Device
    - Comment: Fix GFX0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 47465858

  20. Fix EC0 Device
    - Comment: Fix EC0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45433058


Kernel Patches (Examples 401–450)

  1. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC898
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC898
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  2. Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  3. Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  4. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  5. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  6. Enable TRIM for NVMe SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for NVMe
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  7. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  8. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  9. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  10. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC892
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC892
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  11. Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  12. Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  13. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  14. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  15. Enable TRIM for SATA SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for SATA
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  16. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  17. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  18. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  19. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC887
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC887
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  20. Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

ACPI Patches (Examples 451–500)

  1. Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Comment: Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 49475055

  2. Rename EC0 to EC
    - Comment: Rename EC0 to EC
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45435F5F

  3. Fix HPET Device
    - Comment: Fix HPET Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48464554
    - Replace: 48464558

  4. Fix _OSI to XOSI
    - Comment: Change _OSI to XOSI
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 5F4F5349
    - Replace: 584F5349

  5. Fix AWAC Device
    - Comment: Fix AWAC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 41574143
    - Replace: 41444143

  6. Fix PNLF Device
    - Comment: Fix PNLF Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 504E4C46
    - Replace: 504E4C58

  7. Fix SMBus Device
    - Comment: Fix SMBus Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 534D4255
    - Replace: 534D4258

  8. Fix TPM Device
    - Comment: Fix TPM Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 54504D5F
    - Replace: 54504D58

  9. Fix USB Device
    - Comment: Fix USB Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5553425F
    - Replace: 55534258

  10. Fix PCI0 Device
    - Comment: Fix PCI0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50434930
    - Replace: 50434958

  11. Fix LPC Device
    - Comment: Fix LPC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4C50435F
    - Replace: 4C504358

  12. Fix SAT0 Device
    - Comment: Fix SAT0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53415430
    - Replace: 53415458

  13. Fix PEGP Device
    - Comment: Fix PEGP Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50454750
    - Replace: 50454758

  14. Fix HECI Device
    - Comment: Fix HECI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48454349
    - Replace: 48454358

  15. Fix MEI Device
    - Comment: Fix MEI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4D45495F
    - Replace: 4D454958

  16. Fix XHC Device
    - Comment: Fix XHC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5848435F
    - Replace: 58484358

  17. Fix HDAS Device
    - Comment: Fix HDAS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48444153
    - Replace: 48444158

  18. Fix SBUS Device
    - Comment: Fix SBUS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53425553
    - Replace: 53425558

  19. Fix GFX0 Device
    - Comment: Fix GFX0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 47465858

  20. Fix EC0 Device
    - Comment: Fix EC0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45433058


Kernel Patches (Examples 501–550)

  1. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC898
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC898
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  2. Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  3. Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  4. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  5. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  6. Enable TRIM for NVMe SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for NVMe
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  7. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  8. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  9. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  10. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC892
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC892
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  11. Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  12. Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  13. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  14. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  15. Enable TRIM for SATA SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for SATA
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  16. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  17. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  18. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  19. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC887
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC887
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  20. Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

ACPI Patches (Examples 551–600)

  1. Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Comment: Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 49475055

  2. Rename EC0 to EC
    - Comment: Rename EC0 to EC
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45435F5F

  3. Fix HPET Device
    - Comment: Fix HPET Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48464554
    - Replace: 48464558

  4. Fix _OSI to XOSI
    - Comment: Change _OSI to XOSI
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 5F4F5349
    - Replace: 584F5349

  5. Fix AWAC Device
    - Comment: Fix AWAC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 41574143
    - Replace: 41444143

  6. Fix PNLF Device
    - Comment: Fix PNLF Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 504E4C46
    - Replace: 504E4C58

  7. Fix SMBus Device
    - Comment: Fix SMBus Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 534D4255
    - Replace: 534D4258

  8. Fix TPM Device
    - Comment: Fix TPM Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 54504D5F
    - Replace: 54504D58

  9. Fix USB Device
    - Comment: Fix USB Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5553425F
    - Replace: 55534258

  10. Fix PCI0 Device
    - Comment: Fix PCI0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50434930
    - Replace: 50434958

  11. Fix LPC Device
    - Comment: Fix LPC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4C50435F
    - Replace: 4C504358

  12. Fix SAT0 Device
    - Comment: Fix SAT0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53415430
    - Replace: 53415458

  13. Fix PEGP Device
    - Comment: Fix PEGP Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50454750
    - Replace: 50454758

  14. Fix HECI Device
    - Comment: Fix HECI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48454349
    - Replace: 48454358

  15. Fix MEI Device
    - Comment: Fix MEI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4D45495F
    - Replace: 4D454958

  16. Fix XHC Device
    - Comment: Fix XHC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5848435F
    - Replace: 58484358

  17. Fix HDAS Device
    - Comment: Fix HDAS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48444153
    - Replace: 48444158

  18. Fix SBUS Device
    - Comment: Fix SBUS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53425553
    - Replace: 53425558

  19. Fix GFX0 Device
    - Comment: Fix GFX0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 47465858

  20. Fix EC0 Device
    - Comment: Fix EC0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45433058

Kernel Patches (Examples 601–650)

  1. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC898
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC898
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  2. Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Broadwell
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  3. Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 4600
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  4. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  5. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  6. Enable TRIM for NVMe SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for NVMe
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  7. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  8. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  9. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  10. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC892
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC892
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  11. Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Skylake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

  12. Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Comment: Fix Intel HD Graphics 530
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 010303030000000200300000
    - Replace: 010303030000000200200000

  13. Disable Kernel Logging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Logging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  14. Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Comment: Fix AppleIntelCPUPM Panic
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 750D33D2
    - Replace: EB0D33D2

  15. Enable TRIM for SATA SSDs
    - Comment: Enable TRIM for SATA
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4150504C4520535344
    - Replace: 0000000000000000

  16. Fix USB Power Injection
    - Comment: Fix USB Power Injection
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 83BD8CFEFFFF10
    - Replace: 83BD8CFEFFFF1F

  17. Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Comment: Disable Kernel Debugging
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 0100000075
    - Replace: 01000000EB

  18. Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Comment: Fix RTC Memory Mapping
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 81FAA54C
    - Replace: 81FA0000

  19. Fix AppleHDA for Realtek ALC887
    - Comment: Fix AppleHDA for ALC887
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 8419D411
    - Replace: 00000000

  20. Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Comment: Enable XCPM on Kaby Lake
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: C3A090909090
    - Replace: C3A0EB319090

ACPI Patches (Examples 651–700)

  1. Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Comment: Rename GFX0 to IGPU
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 49475055

  2. Rename EC0 to EC
    - Comment: Rename EC0 to EC
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45435F5F

  3. Fix HPET Device
    - Comment: Fix HPET Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48464554
    - Replace: 48464558

  4. Fix _OSI to XOSI
    - Comment: Change _OSI to XOSI
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 0
    - Find: 5F4F5349
    - Replace: 584F5349

  5. Fix AWAC Device
    - Comment: Fix AWAC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 41574143
    - Replace: 41444143

  6. Fix PNLF Device
    - Comment: Fix PNLF Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 504E4C46
    - Replace: 504E4C58

  7. Fix SMBus Device
    - Comment: Fix SMBus Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 534D4255
    - Replace: 534D4258

  8. Fix TPM Device
    - Comment: Fix TPM Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 54504D5F
    - Replace: 54504D58

  9. Fix USB Device
    - Comment: Fix USB Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5553425F
    - Replace: 55534258

  10. Fix PCI0 Device
    - Comment: Fix PCI0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50434930
    - Replace: 50434958

  11. Fix LPC Device
    - Comment: Fix LPC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4C50435F
    - Replace: 4C504358

  12. Fix SAT0 Device
    - Comment: Fix SAT0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53415430
    - Replace: 53415458

  13. Fix PEGP Device
    - Comment: Fix PEGP Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 50454750
    - Replace: 50454758

  14. Fix HECI Device
    - Comment: Fix HECI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48454349
    - Replace: 48454358

  15. Fix MEI Device
    - Comment: Fix MEI Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4D45495F
    - Replace: 4D454958

  16. Fix XHC Device
    - Comment: Fix XHC Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 5848435F
    - Replace: 58484358

  17. Fix HDAS Device
    - Comment: Fix HDAS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 48444153
    - Replace: 48444158

  18. Fix SBUS Device
    - Comment: Fix SBUS Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 53425553
    - Replace: 53425558

  19. Fix GFX0 Device
    - Comment: Fix GFX0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 47465830
    - Replace: 47465858

  20. Fix EC0 Device
    - Comment: Fix EC0 Device
    - Enabled: True
    - Count: 1
    - Find: 4543305F
    - Replace: 45433058

  • Sad 2

Renaming a device via Binary Rename alone is only a "fix" if the device can be used as is in macOS after renaming it, which is rarely the case in the real world.


In reality, a proper "fix" consists of 3 stages:

  1. Disabling the original device/method by renaming it
  2. Redefining the device/method via an SSDT it so it's compatible with macOS (and only used is used when macOS is running)
  3. Otherwise the changed device/method (name) should be used, if any other OS is running

Writing such tables requires analyzing the DSDT file. Although relatively small in size, it containes roughly 20.000 - 30.000 lines of codes in average. I don't know if deep seek can handle this, but Chatgpt doesn't have access to iasl to disassemble it so it can't create fixes on its own.


BTW: using "Count: 1" is a bad idea. Theres most likely more than one appearance of that name in the DSDT and other tables that reference to that device/method. And by only applying that rename once, the whole reference is f'******. So good look with that. :D


There's really no point in discussing this further. There's also no point of posting more of copy/paste content from deepseek. It's useless. A.I. only works correctly with proper prompts.

Edited by cankiulascmnfye
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