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Hackintosh Atheros Wi-Fi (Legacy Cards)

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Atheros Wi-Fi (“Legacy” Cards):

This guide is to fix the problem when OCLP does not detect any devices to apply the patch and avoid having to force Wi-Fi patching to be enabled in OCLP as this guide details: https://github.com/5T33Z0/OC-Little-Translated/blob/main/14_OCLP_Wintel/Enable_Features/WiFi_Sonoma.md#troubleshooting-force-enable-wi-fi-patching-in-oclp

Let's keep in mind that the only "Atheros" chips that Apple uses in any Mac are few.

There are devices that work without adding any properties (they were used in some Mac models) and only following the OCLP guide to enable them, so if we are using a board that contains any of these IDs it is not necessary to perform a Fake-ID.

We extract this information from inside IO80211ElCap.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortAtheros40.kext/Contents/Info.plist in the “IOKitPersonalities/Atheros Wireless LAN PCI/IONameMatch” section.

These are:

pci168c,30 = 30000000
pci168c,2a = 2A000000
pci106b,0086 = 00860000
pci168c,1c = 1C000000
pci168c,23 = 23000000
pci168c,24 = 24000000

Researching these chips were used in these models:

1- AR9280 = iMac11.X = IOName: pci168c,2a

2- AR9380 = iMac12.X = IOName: pci168c,30

We always assume that to make a Fake-ID we must look for a compatible device that is as similar as possible to the one we are going to fake.


1- If we have an AR9287 Chip with an IOName “pci168c,2e” the IOName that we must use is “pci168c,2a” and a device-id “2A000000”.

2- If we have an AR9485 Chip with an IOName “pci168c,32” the IOName that we must use is “pci168c,30” and a device-id “30000000”.

Steps to follow:

1- It is necessary to rename the device to ARPT in the ACPI configuration. For this we can use the attached SSDT-ARPT.dsl to which we must edit the path and compile it as SSDT-ARPT.aml

2- It is essential to add these properties in the Device Properties: IOName, compatible and name (pci168c,XX), and also device-id (XX000000), where the "X" are the value that corresponds to the chip.

For this I also leave the configuration for two possible chips that, if used, we must edit the device paths.

3- Make the modifications suggested in this guide that I leave below: https://github.com/5T33Z0/OC-Little-Translated/blob/main/14_OCLP_Wintel/Enable_Features/WiFi_Sonoma.md#how-to-re-enable-previously-supported-wi-fi-cards-in-macos-sonoma-with-opencore-legacy-patcher

4- Restart the computer and apply “Reset NVRAM”

5- Apply OCLP



AR93xx Wireless Network Adapter.plist AR928x Wireless Network Adapter.plist SSDT-ARPT.dsl

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