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Creating layout for ALC295 Dell G15 5515 to Fix Combo Jack

Siddharth Manthan

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Dell G15 5515 has ALC 295. Currently I am using layout 21 both speakers work but headphone (with mic) jack does not work with any layout.

The headphone jack is a combo jack. I can get the audio to work as long as I plug the headphone 3/4th of the way in.

To fix this I am following this guide to create a new layout. But I am stuck at reading the schematics. It would be appreciated if you could provide me with some pointers.


card2-Codec-Dump-Dec.txt card2-verbs.txt card2-codec#0.txt config - Serial Removed.plist

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I created the following table. Can you take a quick look and point any errors (if any) ?

Is there a way to just copy the paths selected by linux ?

In your selection you have never selected 6 or 9. You have selected 3 and 8 twice. How to identify what to omit and what to select twice ? How do I select the paths ?

I ctrl + f through the codec dump and ended up with something like this (incorrect as there are no inputs)

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Linux paths: Not that I know.

Have you tried Layout 77 yet? It's for as Dell Latitude 5290. Maybe it works better.


This schemetic looks weird. Seems like there a a lot of Pin Comples Nodes cannot be used for automatic switching because they are not connected to any mixer nodes (20,33,22,23,30). These you can only use for manual switching via system settings.


In order to get automatic switching between the internal speakers and the headphone jacks to work, you need to use 2 Pin Complex nodes (1 Jack, one Spekaer) that are connected to both mixer Nodes (34 and 35). And the one with the notes has to support EAPD, iirc. It's a lot of trial and error. And it has been at least a year since I've done this.

Edited by cankiulascmnfye
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8 hours ago, cankiulascmnfye said:

Have you tried Layout 77 yet? It's for as Dell Latitude 5290. Maybe it works better.

Yes I did. Nothing worked.


8 hours ago, cankiulascmnfye said:

you need to use 2 Pin Complex nodes (1 Jack, one Spekaer) that are connected to both mixer Nodes (34 and 35)

In my schematics, pin complex labeled jack (33) is not connected to any mixer nodes. I lost you here. Can I just select any pin complex as jack (not necessarily 33, which is labeled as jack) ?
Both pin complex nodes must be connected to both mixer nodes ? Or any one of them connected to both mixer nodes ?


8 hours ago, cankiulascmnfye said:

And the one with the notes has to support EAPD

What are notes ? I did not understand "one with the notes" part.

If both need to support EAPD and both also need to be connected to both mixer nodes then it is not possible to find a path. In my schematics, 20, 27 and 33 support EAPD but only 27 is connected to both mixture nodes.

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It's a typo. I meant "Nodes", not "Notes". As I said, ONE of the PIn Complexes needs to support EAPD. And that's the case for Node 33.


But if this schemetaic is correct, it doesn't support auto switching.


Maybe checking the Layout in Windows brings more clearity: https://github.com/5T33Z0/AppleALC-Guides/issues/7


But I'Ve never used this so I can't help you with that.


You have to try things on your own.







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I dumped the codec with headphones connected. Does that affect the result ?

And if it doesn't support auto switching how do windows and linux do it ?

Say it doesn't support switching, can I put it into permanent headphone mode ? I almost never use speakers. Or have both headphone and speaker always show up in settings and mute one of them. Basically it would be nice to get audio out from jack. Speakers not working is fine. Any pointers to achieve that ?

This device uses ALC295 too and it has combo jack working. Do all devices have same pin complex or does it differ ?

Btw I belatedly realised that your guide actually explains how auto switching works. I had not reached that part yet.

Anyways, switching works on layout 21. When I plug in headphones, speakers mute themselves. There is audio from headphones too if plugged in partially. Mic doesn't work though. It is detecting wrong device.

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@Siddharth Manthan 


Try the attached build of AppleALC.


It contains a custom Layout ("Vorshim ALC 295 for x1 lenovo baio" in info.plist) for the ALC295 which is not included in the AppleALC Source code. It's from this EFI for a Lenovo X1 ThinkPad Tablet


Use Layout 69


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