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boot picker not working after moving EFI to hard drive


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Have a fresh install of BS with OpenCore 090. Moved the EFI to the hard drive and now the bootpicker won't work. Tried the suggestions in the OpenCore guide with no success.
It works fine on the USB. Any suggestions?
My specs:
asrock 970a-g/3.1
amd fx8350
evga geforce gt 730
corsair ssd bootdrive
ripsaws g-skill pc17000 16gb
Using smbios iMac20,1
OpenCore 0.9.0
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55 minutes ago, bobbee12 said:
Have a fresh install of BS with OpenCore 090. Moved the EFI to the hard drive and now the bootpicker won't work. Tried the suggestions in the OpenCore guide with no success.
It works fine on the USB. Any suggestions?
My specs:
asrock 970a-g/3.1
amd fx8350
evga geforce gt 730
corsair ssd bootdrive
ripsaws g-skill pc17000 16gb
Using smbios iMac20,1
OpenCore 0.9.0

Hi if the install boots ok from the USB Drive then it should boot after moving the EFI folder to the EFI Partition of the main Drive. How did you move the folder? Don't drag and drop, use Copy and Paste. Delete the folder and and try Copy and Paste, then reboot, clean NvRAM and see if the result is any better.

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Thanks for replying eSaF,

You would think it should work fine if working on the usb but no luck. I tried to c/p. Couldn't clear the nvram thru hd so used usb(hope that worked - don't know how to clear it without)

No luck, still pickerless. Cursor won't move, space bar does nothing.  Just frozen to the OS option. 

Kinda sucks cuz its the last step to multi booting windows/linux/macOS.  Everything works perfectly on usb. Really don't wanna have to use the usb but oh well, if I have to I will.

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1 hour ago, bobbee12 said:

Thanks for replying eSaF,

You would think it should work fine if working on the usb but no luck. I tried to c/p. Couldn't clear the nvram thru hd so used usb(hope that worked - don't know how to clear it without)

No luck, still pickerless. Cursor won't move, space bar does nothing.  Just frozen to the OS option. 

Kinda sucks cuz its the last step to multi booting windows/linux/macOS.  Everything works perfectly on usb. Really don't wanna have to use the usb but oh well, if I have to I will.

That is so strange man! kind of makes me wonder if the EFI Partition formatting of the main Drive was kind of screwed up somehow hence the reason it is not faithfully accepting/duplicating the EFI Folder from the USB. Just one question, are all the Operating Systems on one large Drive or are they all on their own respective Drives?

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One ssd.  Its a build I'm putting together for my sister.  It has windows 10 on an M2 as the main OS and the other 3 on an SSd(windows 11/mint/Big Sur).   All works well with the usb as loader.  System is set to boot into W10 or OpenCore on the usb for the others.  Really wanna get away from the usb.

Since I had this problem, I've been trying to trouble shoot on another ssd with Big Sur just to try to get it working. Thought maybe it was just too much for the picker with all those options but same thing happens.

Do you have the EFI on your hard drive and does the picker work? Also did you have to use the Archtool to make it bootable?

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6 hours ago, bobbee12 said:

Do you have the EFI on your hard drive and does the picker work? Also did you have to use the Archtool to make it bootable?

The attached pic is how my Boot Picker is, I have three OS X Versions as well as Windows11 all four OS's on their own respective Drives. Ventura and Windows on M.2 Drives, Big Sur and Monterey on SSD Drives they are all booted off one single EFI Folder that resides on the EFI Partition of the Ventura Drive.

Here is an idea for you to try, if possible remove the other Drive from the boot process and try booting with just OS X, then do the same with the other Drive a case of trying to pin down where the culprit is.


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