aliyaan2618 Posted July 19, 2020 Share Posted July 19, 2020 This screen appears after picker ( some code execution). Pic (on bottom right it says failed to get system model) My specs : Intel Xeon E5 1620 v2 (Ivy Bridge-EP/EX) MotherBoard : LENOVO 0B98401 PRO Graphics : Radeon RX 570 Series My config list. ACPI Add SSDT-EC.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory Delete Patch Quirks FadtEnableReset = No NormalizeHeaders = No RebaseRegions = No ResetHwSig = No ResetLogoStatus = No Booter MmioWhitelist Quirks AvoidRuntimeDefrag = Yes DevirtualiseMmio = No DisableSingleUser = No DisableVariableWrite = No DiscardHibernateMap = No EnableSafeModeSlide = Yes EnableWriteUnprotector = Yes ForceExitBootServices = No ProtectMemoryRegions = No ProtectSecureBoot = No ProtectUefiServices = No ProvideCustomSlide = Yes RebuildAppleMemoryMap = No SetupVirtualMap = Yes SignalAppleOS = No SyncRuntimePermissions = No DeviceProperties Add Delete Kernel Add Lilu.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory and the first kext listed here VirtualSMC.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory WhateverGreen.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory AppleALC.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory IntelMausi.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory NVMeFix.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory SMCProcessor.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory SMCSuperIO.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory USBInjectAll.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory Block Emulate Patch Quirks AppleCpuPmCfgLock = Yes You should disable CFG-Lock in your bios instead of using this AppleXcpmCfgLock = Yes You should disable CFG-Lock in your bios instead of using this AppleXcpmExtraMsrs = No AppleXcpmForceBoost = No CustomSMBIOSGuid = No DisableIoMapper = Yes DisableRtcChecksum = No DummyPowerManagement = No ExternalDiskIcons = No IncreasePciBarSize = No LapicKernelPanic = No PanicNoKextDump = Yes PowerTimeoutKernelPanic = Yes ThirdPartyDrives = No XhciPortLimit = Yes turn off after USB port mapping Misc BlessOverride Boot ConsoleAttributes = 0 PollAppleHotKeys = No ShowPicker = Yes TakeoffDelay = 0 HibernateMode = None PickerMode = Builtin HideAuxiliary = No PickerAttributes = 1 PickerAudioAssist = No Timeout = 5 Debug AppleDebug = Yes ApplePanic = Yes DisableWatchDog = Yes Target = 67 DisplayLevel see Debugging Docs for more info debug display levels DisplayDelay = 0 Entries Security AllowNvramReset = Yes AllowSetDefault = Yes AuthRestart = No BlacklistAppleUpdate = Yes BootProtect = Bootstrap Vault = Optional HaltLevel = 2147483648 ExposeSensitiveData = 6 ScanPolicy = 0 Tools You can remove the tool EFIs here NVRAM LegacyEnable = No LegacyOverwrite = No WriteFlash = Yes Add UIScale = 01 DefaultBackgroundColor = 00000000 boot-args = -v keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 alcid=5 csr-active-config = 00000000 prev-lang:kbd = 656e2d55533a30 (en-US:0) SystemAudioVolume = 46 Delete LegacySchema PlatformInfo Automatic = Yes UpdateDataHub = Yes UpdateNVRAM = Yes UpdateSMBIOS = Yes UpdateSMBIOSMode = Create Generic SpoofVendor = Yes AdviseWindows = No SystemProductName = iMac13,2 MLB is set ROM = 112233000000 You should set this to your NIC MAC address. See PlatformInfo Docs SystemSerialNumber is set SystemUUID is set UEFI ConnectDrivers = Yes Drivers HfsPlus.efi OpenRuntime.efi APFS EnableJumpstart = Yes HideVerbose = Yes JumpstartHotPlug = No MinDate = 0 MinVersion = 0 Audio AudioSupport = No AudioDevice = PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1b,0x0) AudioCodec = 0 AudioOut = 0 MinimumVolume = 20 PlayChime = No VolumeAmplifier = 0 Input KeyFiltering = No KeyForgetThreshold = 5 KeyMergeThreshold = 2 KeySupport = Yes KeySupportMode = Auto KeySwap = No PointerSupport = No PointerSupportMode = -blank- TimerResolution = 50000 Output TextRenderer = BuiltinGraphics ConsoleMode = -blank- Resolution = Max ClearScreenOnModeSwitch = No IgnoreTextInGraphics = No ProvideConsoleGop = Yes DirectGopRendering = No ReconnectOnResChange = No ReplaceTabWithSpace = No SanitiseClearScreen = No ProtocolOverrides AppleAudio = No AppleBootPolicy = No AppleDebugLog = No AppleEvent = No AppleImageConversion = No AppleKeyMap = No AppleRtcRam = No AppleSmcIo = No DataHub = No DeviceProperties = No FirmwareVolume = No HashServices = No OSInfo = No UnicodeCollation = No Quirks DeduplicateBootOrder = Yes ExitBootServicesDelay = 0 IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio = Yes ReleaseUsbOwnership = No RequestBootVarRouting = Yes TscSyncTimeout = 0 UnblockFsConnect = No log File 02:993 00:013 AAPL: [EB|`B:WFDW] Err(0xE), 0 @ LocHB 71B4903C-14EC-42C4-BDC6-CE1449930E49 03:003 00:010 AAPL: [EB|#LOG:DT] 2020-07-19T14:16:48 03:014 00:011 AAPL: [EB|#LOG:EXITBS:START] 2020-07-19T14:16:48 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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