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OpenCore 0.5.7 installation stuck on "Darwin Image4 Validator 2.2.0 ... root:AppleImage4-61.68.4~2649/AppleImage4/RELEASE_X86_64


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Trying to install Catalina 10.15.4 with OpenCore but it stuck on the Darwin Image4 Validator 2.2.0 ... root:AppleImage4-61.68.4~2649/AppleImage4/RELEASE_X86_64

the debug logging as the following


34:251 00:087 OC: Read kernel version 19.4.0 (190400)
34:341 00:089 OCAK: PanicKextDump replace count - 1
34:407 00:066 OCAK: Patch success kext dump
34:486 00:078 OCAK: PowerStateTimeout replace count - 1
34:552 00:066 OCAK: Patch success power state
34:647 00:094 OCAK: AppleIoMapper replace count - 1
34:714 00:066 OCAK: Patch success com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily AppleIoMapper
34:802 00:088 OC: Prelink injection Lilu.kext (Patch engine) - Success
34:880 00:078 OC: Prelink injection VirtualSMC.kext (SMC emulator) - Success
34:960 00:079 OC: Prelink injection WhateverGreen.kext (Video patches) - Success
35:042 00:082 OC: Prelink injection AppleALC.kext (Audio patches) - Success
35:171 00:129 Prelinked status - Success
35:248 00:076 AAPL: [EB|`LD:LKFS] } Ok(0)
35:316 00:067 AAPL: [EB|`LD:LKC] } Ok(0)
35:385 00:068 AAPL: [EB|#FWFM] 0xFF1FFF3F
35:452 00:067 AAPL: [EB|#FWFT] 0xFD0FF576
35:521 00:068 AAPL: [EB|#CSR:IN] 0x00000067
35:589 00:068 AAPL: [EB|#CSR:OUT] 0x00000067
35:658 00:069 AAPL: [EB|`BST:FBS] {
35:725 00:067 AAPL: [EB|`BST:FBS] BA.ADSZ: 0
35:794 00:068 AAPL: [EB|`BST:FBS] BA.KSDSZ: 0
35:860 00:066 OCSMC: SmcReadValue Key 4D535463 Size 1
35:927 00:066 OCSMC: SmcReadValue Key 4D534163 Size 2
35:998 00:070 AAPL: [EB|`B:WFDW] Err(0xE), 0 @ LocHB 71B4903C-14EC-42C4-BDC6-CE1449930E49
36:067 00:069 AAPL: [EB|#LOG:DT] 2020-04-27T02:30:53
36:136 00:069 AAPL: [EB|#LOG:EXITBS:START] 2020-04-27T02:30:53



My machine is Intel kaby i5-7400, Radeon RX560


any suggestion on how to fix it would be great appreciated. 







Edited by MHL3060
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