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Hi there.

So I managed to install the JaS 10.4.7 OS X. Everything except my Intel 2200 BG WLAN chipset and my ATI Radeon 9500 Mobility is working great, but that are different problems.


So I installed Adium for ICQ instant messaging. Works great so far, but I noticed I have no notification sounds, although they are activated in the Adium options. Sound works flawless so far on my system, I can hear music, system sound and everything else, but no sounds from Adium.


Anyone noticed the same or has a solution?


Regards Door


p.s. I looked on the Adium page, but I didn't find any solution.

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This happened to me after updating to 10.4.7 as well. I believe the Quicktime updates have messed up sound behaviour. If you look at your console.log file, you'll likely see some messages like this:


QuickTime: Invalid SoundDescription sample rate (0.000000)


I also have issues with sound from Quicktime after the update. So far I haven't found a solution, but some people have had luck in reverting to an earlier version of Quicktime.

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