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hi guys i ve bene hackintoshing for a while, i was on another site and finally found this place


Stats: Asus z170 main borad, i7-6700k, 16gb ram, vega 64 (gigabyte oc). have th hackingtosh up and running but have 

2 issues i would like to rectify:

during the load screen  i lose signal for about 5-6 seconds at the apple logo but boots fine to desktop after that. is there a way around this?

and secondly i have an an overclocked i-6700k with watercooling, i want it to run at 4.8ghz all the time without stepping up and down, how do i do this? In windows it runs at full speed all the time. in mojave it fluctates between 1ghz and 4.6ghz

please see efi and config plist attached


thank you


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