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Hi, I am hoping I can get some advice/guidance in regards to my audio interface?


I have a MAYA44 XTe PCIE in my setup running under Mojave with Clover as bootloader.


I have 16gb Memory and 3.5 i7 in a gigabyte-ga-z77-ds3h  motherboard.


I use Reaper as my DAW.


The problem I have is that when I set my buffers in Reaper I am getting high values reported back:

At 48khz 24 bit

64spls I get 9.8ms
128 I get 11ms
256 I get 13ms
and 512 I get 19 ms


This is using the latest driver so I was wondering if this is something to do with Mojave, My motherboard or is it an issue with Pcie?


Thanks for reading and any help is much appreciated.


Thanks in advance,



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