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This morning I started ecperiencing some problems with my network adapter. Speeds are terrible, and from time to time it tells me that the WPA password is wrong. Which is ludacris OFC. When I click the WIFI icon in the top corner, the menu is only visible for half a second before it disappears. Would be grateful for any tips on what I can do to remedy this.

Can the wireless utility be opened from terminal?

Guest ricoc90

What your actual issue is is hard to say since you did not provide any information.

To answer your other question:
You can scan for wireless networks, connect to them and change channels etc through terminal by running 


Or, since that is a pretty long command to type, create a symbolic link:

sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/airport

which then will allow you to use



airport <device> scan

where device is en0, en1 etc

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