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Mojave 14.4 on Gigabyte Z370 Aorus Ultra Gaming 2.0 - Sleep works, but only on first time.

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Hi guys,
I finally set up my new system and to everything works, except sleep sometimes.
Thew strange thing is, that it auto-sleeps on the first time without problems (fans off, +-2W Power consuption.)


After wake up everything works fine but when it tries to sleep again, the screens go black but the Hack wont sleep properly (all fans on, +-90W power consumption).
On a keypress i'm on login menue again.

Does anyone have an idea und could help me?

Here are my specs:
Gigabyte Z370 Aorus Ultra Gaming 2.0 - op
64gb Ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti 3071 MB
512 970 nvme Samsung SSD
Mojave 14.4
Bios F11 - (Newest does not boot)
I attached the RunMe files.


Send me mojaves-iMac.fritz.box.zip

Edited by forum

Here are the new files

Send me mojaves-iMac.fritz.box_4919.zip


Its still the same issue - first sleep after boot works. After the first one its broken.

Maybe this helps, those a the commands i set via Terminal:


sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 1

sudo pmset -a autopoweroff 1

sudo pmset -a standby 1

sudo pmset -a proximitywake 0

sudo pmset -a hibernatefile /dev/null

rm -r /var/vm/sleepimage

Edited by forum

This drives me crazy..

I'm playing with my old EFI folder again (v4910) and can't get it to work.


First sleep works fully, second not.

Hope one of you great guys have an idea..


I attached my v4910 Send Me Files &

as requested by @MaLd0n  the v4919 Files above.




Send me mojaves-iMac.fritz.box_4910.zip

Edited by forum

Some New Info:

- Deleted the USB port limit patches from config.plist —> Kernel and Kext Patches. , as using USB SSDT.


Thats new, but i'm not sure if i didn't wait long enough before:

When it tries to sleep the second time, it takes around 10 to 15 Minutes to enter sleep and wakes up without a problem. (Sleep set to 1 minute.)
I'm measuring the power consumption and it goeas slowly down over those 10min from 95W to 60W.

I know it basically works, but i'd like to fix this to perfection image.gif.ecb6cbbd74c2abe4dbed176659142e9f.gif
Maybe there is a problem with power management?

Extra Info:
- Replace VirtualSMC with RehabMan’s FakeSMC
Takes around 10 Minutes for the first sleep, reverted back to VirtualSMC...
- Removed all USB Devices, except keyboard & Mouse
->no chages

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