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Last apps that I installed before getting this error are Paragon NTFS driver and Patallels Desktop. I'm not sure if some other these cause this error. I attached second SATA HDD and at first everything works fine, but after reboot start getting this error and system boot really slow. After half an hour It's on the desktop, I unmount second drive, turn off the system and remove it, but after boot still get this error and boot really slow. I even reinstall Mojave but without formating HDD because I want to keep my settings - It's still the same. I put Apple AHCIPort.kext v328 in L/E but still no luck. How to fix this and make my system boot faster again?

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HDD. How to check that volume is intact? Btw I check the drive for bad sectors too. For backup as I know I need to store time machine file on other drive but don't have any drive for this now. I tried with other Clover version too and is the same thing, booting really slow with the same I/O error. With Paragon the only thing I do is to unmount partitions for my other drive and remove it after shut down trying to fix this error, nothing else.


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