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Command shell only after successfull(ish) JaS 10.4.7 install


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I installed JaS 10.4.7 on my Dell laptop. The install seemed to work fine. Upon reboot, I can only get to a command shell, see screenshot;




My laptop;

Dell inspiron 9400

ATI X1400 graphics @ 1920x1200

Dual Core Intel SSE3 processor


During the JaS install I loaded the following patches;

Intel 10.4.7 Combo update

Intel SSE3



As you can see from the screen shot, I can get to a command prompt, but no further.


On the first reboot after install, I got to do the system setup routine (network setup etc) and then the laptop just hung with a permanently whirring coloured circle.


I turned the machine off manually, rebooted, then I got no further than where I am now...


Please help,




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