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I am new to VMWare. I finally was able to get OSX 10.4.5 installed to my PC. I ordered a USB Asus WL-167G NIC specifically for this project. But my USB isn't working. So I have no Internet connection. In 'System Profiler' all I see is 'No information.' I also have an external USB drive that isn't working. Yet my mouse, that is USB, is working. What I can I do to remedy this? Plus, I can see no way to get any information in to OSX from the outside. Only the hard drive is available to me. CD/DVD is not available, either. I'm a prisoner, can't get in and can't get out. Thanks for any information to correct my dilemma.

I went to the BIOS and booted from the drive that OSX Tiger is on. I now have USB and Internet. This is amazing! I can't believe the speed. It is wonderful. Sorry for taking up the forum's space but I would not have made without this place. Thanks!

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