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i have an ATIRage128 card...AGP...but shows in system as PCI... i've changed the ids in this kext(to match mine...0x54461002)...and in the ATIRage128GA.plugin(0x10025446)...kext loads...appears as modified...but still no graphics options...what else must be modified for full function?...thks

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this is what i get in terminal from ioreg -l

+-o ATIRage128 <class ATIRage128, registered, matched, active,$

| | | | {

| | | | "IOGLBundleName" = "ATIRage128GLDriver"

| | | | "IOSourceVersion" = ""

| | | | "CFBundleIdentifier" = "com.apple.ATIRage128"

| | | | "IOClass" = "ATIRage128"

| | | | "IODVDBundleName" = "ATIRage128DVDDriver"

| | | | "IOProbeScore" = 0

| | | | "IOMatchCategory" = "IOAccelerator"

| | | | "IOPCIMatch" = "0x52451002 0x52461002 0x524b1002 0x524c10$

| | | | "IOAccelRevision" = 2

| | | | "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"ACCF0000-0000-0000-0000-000a2789904$

| | | | "IOProviderClass" = "IOPCIDevice"

| | | | "PerformanceStatistics" = {"surfaceCopyInWaitTime"=0,"buf$

| | | | }


how do i modify IOPCIMatch to include my ids 0x54461002?

if i could do this...no need for agpgart...i think

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