Vales93 Posted October 25, 2017 Share Posted October 25, 2017 Hi guys, I'm new on this forum I installed with no problem Mac Os Sierra on my new Asus N580VD (i7 7700HQ, Ram 16 GB). There is only one gret problem: audio doesn't work. I tried with some kexts but nothing. I've read a very long guide about patching the AppleHDA, but for me me is too difficult. With a Linux live I found that my audio code is conexant generic. Is there a method to make audio working? Please help me, because everything is good, ethernet, wifi (using a usb wifi adapter) and also graphic, but audio no T.T (---------------Rileva linguaAfrikaansAlbaneseAmaricoAraboArmenoAzerbaigianoBascoBengaleseBielorussoBirmanoBosniacoBulgaroCatalanoCebuanoCecoChirghisoCinese (semplificato)Cinese (tradizionale)CoreanoCorsoCroatoCurdoDaneseEbraicoEsperantoEstoneFilippinoFinlandeseFranceseFrisone occidentaleGaelico scozzeseGalizianoGalleseGeorgianoGiapponeseGiavaneseGrecoGujaratiHaitianoHausaHawaianoHindiHmongIgboIndonesianoIngleseIrlandeseIslandeseItalianoKannadaKazakoKhmerLaoLatinoLettoneLituanoLussemburgheseMacedoneMalayalamMaleseMalgascioMalteseMaoriMarathiMongoloNepaleseNorvegeseNyanjaOlandesePashtoPersianoPolaccoPortoghesePunjabiRumenoRussoSamoanoSerboShonaSindhiSingaleseSlovaccoSlovenoSomaloSotho del sudSpagnoloSundaneseSvedeseSwahiliTagicoTamilTedescoTeluguThaiTurcoUcrainoUnghereseUrduUsbecoVietnamitaXhosaYiddishYorubaZuluItaliano I have read Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MGK123 Posted April 4, 2018 Share Posted April 4, 2018 Hello, my computer is just like yours, and I'm also installing mac os. The sound card is driving me to use the universal driver to drive. I want to use your guide. I'm from China. It's translated. Look forgive me! ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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