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Report this problem here: nVidia cards are slower under semthex most current kernel, My


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Guys please report this here if you have the same problem. My nVidia 7900 was screeming under the semthex's kernel that came with Jas' DVD. Under the newest kernel (you can get it from the IRC channel #kernel), every thing is detected correctly. QE, QE2D, CI, everything is supported. The problem is that the GUI is much slower. Even iTunes's visual effects are much slower. My configuration is:


D930 @ 3.8

Intel 975

10.4.8 Latest Jas DVD

Titan driver using Natit dmg 1.02


I did everything possible to solve this: remove titan, delete kextcach, ... no way


Everything works fne: sound, USP, wireless mouse, ...etc. Only that huge reduction in GUI performance



Please report this problem here.

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this is problem witch fsb, smthex's put fsb auto detection in new kernel but it looks that this don't work for you, search for boot flag and set it at boot by hand. I use mifki kernel and I must put fsb=133 at boot prompt, smthex's kernel has some different flags, I never try this kernel and don’t know them, search on his bloog. I have this same problem and solve it that way

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these is problem witch fsb, smthex's put fsb auto detection in new kernel but it looks like this don't work for you, search for boot flag and set it at boot by hand. I use mifki kernel and I must put fsb=133 at boot prompt, smthex's kernel has some different flags, I never try this kernel and don’t know them, search on his bloog. I have this same problem and solve it that way


Thank you: My FSB is 250 (default is 200 and I am overclocking it) shoud I use fsb=200 or 250


Thank you so much for the reply

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this don't overclock your cpu, just adjust fsb in kernel to match your CPU, I don't understood it fully but not correct fsb give you bottleneck, your graphics look slower but if you look at CPU monitor it take lest CPU also,

Just set this flag to your fsb, this one that you have in bios (if you overclock your CPU by FSB then put this overclocked one)


For smthex kernel these flags wos –v –f, something like that, every one has corresponding fsb associated to it, I don’t remember and I don’t know if they are implemented in last kernel because smthex rewrite this part of code

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