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Well i dunno if this is the right section or not so please dont flame me.


Okay movin on.


I recently purchased a Macbook Pro, and I'm still totally loving it. But there is one little flaw. I cannot run a program named KaidOSX. It allows me to play online for free. However I can't get it to work. The problem is that it used to work fine on my old iBook G4. I tried a couple of the tutorials and even went root on my mac but I still can't get it to work.




If anyone can help me with this I would be really greatful.

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When I start kai the blue little circle still shows up on the upper right hand corner. The problem is when I click start it olny flashes an orange circle then goes away. On my old mac it would flash orange and then go green.


I checked the open log and it says


Kaid: kaid: config file '/etc/kaid conf' not found


I looked for the kaid conf and found it so I dunno whats up.

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