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I'm also looking for help with the 865GV (on a ASUS P4P800-MX). I've followed the steps in the forum for Core Extreme, but after a boot I get the super block graphics unless I boot with -x (safe mode). Any advice?



The only working fix for me (i have this chipset also) is creating a small partition with windows, letting it boot and reboot into osx and let the machine run indefinitely. =_=.. even then after waking up from sleep sometimes i experience prolonged sessions of unresponsiveness leading to a forced power down.

I have the 845G/GV also on an MS-6577 M-ATX Rev. 3.1 (Giovani), Rev. 4.0 (Giovani2).


I can change my resolution & refresh rate after a few tricks, but a no go so far on CI and QE. Everything I i've tried so far produces the big blocks on the screen - forcing me to do the -x and delete and restore the offending files. I'm sure in time we'll descover a trick or two for this chipset - I think this chipset is on the edge of being to out of date for OSX but probably "do able".


Any suggestions on how doable it is anyone? :-S

Trick for the resolutions and refresh rate?


The only thing for that (in my case with the 845G/GV (or any other 845* I'm sure) is to modify your AppleIntelIntigratedGraphics.kext file in /System/Library/Extensions/


Just drag the bugger out of the folder, click "Show Package Contents" and then click Contents and open up info.plist in the text editor.


Find this:





That is the extact device ID I put in there. Of course going to the lil apple and clicking "About This Mac" and then "More Information" and then "Graphics/Displays" and checking your Device ID to get your ID and put under that IOPCIMatch section. Just leave the 8086 intact after it without spaces as shown above.


Then I just saved it, drug it in, authenticated and overwrote the origininal that was in there then I went to disk utilities and clicked on the disk that I was working on and clicked "Repair Permissions"


I hope this helps clear anything up.


My OSX version is 10.4.1 with 10.4.3 userland update.


SR1103WM < My Mother Board. Cheap Compaq Presario PC! :-D


Gz, I need a cup of coffee... I just hope I typed ok in zombie mode for now.



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