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Hoshi@pc6:~$ Virtualbox
Incompatible processor. This Qt build requires the following features:
Aborted. Incompatible processor: missing feature 0x200 - ssse3.
Abort trap: 6

Is there an way to fix it? If not, I suggest implementing this instruction into kernel. I can help with testing :)

Unfortunately there isn't. This is a known issue with some apps. SSSE3 is emulated in the kernel already - it's just a number of apps seem to get around it and verify that the real CPU lacks the instruction. It happens in a number of Qt-based apps that use qDetectCpuFeatures() like VirtualBox.


See: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/285760-help-topic-for-help-in-os-x-yosemite-1010-and-below/page-143?do=findComment&comment=2217983 for another example.


Here's something you can try - I assume you have version 5.1.12? inside VirtualBox.app - Contents/Frameworks/QtCoreVBox.framework/Versions/5, rename QtCoreVBox to QtCoreVBox.old and unzip and stick this one in that I attached in its place. Then try running the app and let me know if you still get the same error, or if the app straight up crashes. This is a little binmod I wanted to try but I don't have an AMD machine that lacks SSSE3 for me to test it on. If this doesn't fix the issue then you're probably stuck with the problem for now.


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