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Hi Jalal,


download this live-CD (50MB) and boot with it:


open a root shell (Right mouseclic – Terminal session – Rxvt super user)


# cfdisk /dev/hda (or /dev/sda if you have SATA or SCSI)

create in the free space a new partition with type AF



Hope this can help you

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Hi Jalal,


another live-CD should also work, but it's possible that you have to enter:

# sudo su

# cfdisk /dev/hda


this should work (sudo su) with the most live-CD on thoose you can't open directly a root shell.

P.S: I don't found a smaller Live-CD as 50MB , Knoppix has 700MB


Have a nice day

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Hi Jalal,


I think Ubuntu have cfdisk.


# sudo su (be root)

# fdisk -l (list my HD & Partitions)

# cfdisk /dev/hda (start the partition soft)


Change /dev/hda if you HD ist not IDE0 Master.

Ex: /dev/sda for SATA or SCSI or /dev/hdc for ide1 Master or /dev/hdb for ide0 Slave.

In the moste case it's /dev/hda for ide0 Master.


P.S: If sudo su does not work just type (ubuntu is a little different as other Linux, no root):

# sudo cfdisk /dev/hda


Good luck

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