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After I installed niresh OS X 10.10. Well yes the first boot were fine, but after I reboot my hack. Bam its totally no hope. I cant even boot with -x and -s, same result. And I dont have any access to install windows at the moment (because I have only 1 thumb drive, screwed. Bleh) and yes I've tried:





npci=0x2000 and 0x3000


Still, it a dead end. Hope anyone can help me.



Thanks in advance.


Oh yes heres my computer spec

P7P55 LX

i3 540

GTS 450

4gb ddr3

WD 500gb blue

Using clover 2k for bootloader

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Fixed, before restarting after boot, INSTALL those first http://netkas.org/?p=1072 and use bootflag: npci=0x3000 dart=0 kext-dev-mode=1 -v -f USBBusFix=1UseKernelCache=Yes


Then update to 10.10.1 and UseKernelCache=No for fully worked USB ports.

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