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Okay, so I've created myself a little Hack Mini, using SMBIOS settings to mimic a Macmini6,2 using Clover Configurator's wizard to fill in the details.


Only problem I'm having is that the OS doesn't recognise my RAM very well; it knows there is 16gb total, but at best I can only seem to get it to recognise one 8gb module, not both of them (it shows the other slot as empty).


Here's a quick screen grab of my Clover Configurator memory set-up:



Do I need to add part/serial numbers for OS X to recognise both modules? Any guidelines on what I should enter, or does it simply need to be unique? Any way to get the correct values?

Sure, I've attached the full log, but in looking at it myself I noticed this part:

0:591  0:001  Scanning SMBus [8086:8C22], mmio: 0xF7C39004, ioport: 0xF040, hostc: 0x11
0:608  0:017  SPD[0]: Type 11 @0x50 
0:618  0:010  DDR speed 1600MHz 
0:620  0:001  Slot: 0 Type 24 8192MB 1600MHz Vendor=Kingston PartNo=KHX1600C9S3L8G SerialNo=050E02090D0F0606 
0:642  0:021  SPD[2]: Type 11 @0x52 
0:652  0:010  DDR speed 1600MHz 
0:653  0:001  Slot: 2 Type 24 8192MB 1600MHz Vendor=Kingston PartNo=KHX1600C9S3L8G SerialNo=060002090E0B0606


Something seems off…


Here it counts 4 slots; 2 modules and 2 empty:

0:100  0:000  Total Memory Slots Count = 40:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 0
0:100  0:000  Ignoring insane frequency value 0MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 0
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 0
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 1
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1600
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 8192
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 2
0:100  0:000  Ignoring insane frequency value 0MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 0
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 0
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 3
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1600
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 8192

Then as you noticed, it lists the 2 existing modules with proper information:

0:587  0:001  ScanSPD() start
0:589  0:001  SMBus CmdReg: 0x3
0:591  0:001  Scanning SMBus [8086:8C22], mmio: 0xF7C39004, ioport: 0xF040, hostc: 0x11
0:608  0:017  SPD[0]: Type 11 @0x50 
0:618  0:010  DDR speed 1600MHz 
0:620  0:001  Slot: 0 Type 24 8192MB 1600MHz Vendor=Kingston PartNo=KHX1600C9S3L8G SerialNo=050E02090D0F0606 
0:642  0:021  SPD[2]: Type 11 @0x52 
0:652  0:010  DDR speed 1600MHz 
0:653  0:001  Slot: 2 Type 24 8192MB 1600MHz Vendor=Kingston PartNo=KHX1600C9S3L8G SerialNo=060002090E0B0606 
0:782  0:128  ScanSPD() end
But in the end, while creating  the SMBIOS it counts 3:
5:655  0:002  Injecting user memory modules to SMBIOS
5:657  0:001  Channels: 2
5:659  0:001  Interleave: 0 2 1 3 4 6 5 7 8 10 9 11 12 14 13 15 16 18 17 19 20 22 21 23
5:702  0:043  BANK0 DIMM0 1600MHz 8192MB
5:703  0:001  mTotalSystemMemory = 8192
5:706  0:003  BANK1 DIMM0 1600MHz 8192MB
5:708  0:001  mTotalSystemMemory = 16384
5:710  0:001  BANK0 DIMM1 EMPTY
5:711  0:001  NumberOfMemoryDevices = 3

So first try with a clean config without injecting memory data and upload the boot.log again please. Then we’ll see if it’s a Clover or config issue.


That being said, “SlotCount” should be 4 (notice it says slots, not modules) and in the second module’s entry the slot number should be 2 instead of 1.


EDIT: you could also try to change the “Trust” variable to false. There you’ll find more information about memory injection.

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