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I can share web-site and start remote connection only to the ethernete, not the internet

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I am running Jas 10.48. I started to share web-site though "Sharing", the others can only access the site in the ethernet, but fail to access in internet.


For example, my desktop started site sharing, my notebook can only access by ip 192.168.xx.xx (local network), but not the 218.xx.x.x.xx( Ip provided by ISP). My friend tried to connect my site, but it fails.


Also, i started other sharing, and the Apple Remote Desktop , but the problem is same as the site sharing.


Please help!

Do you have a router between your computer and your internet connection? Maybe built into your cable modem or ADSL modem?


If so, it has a firewall built in to prevent outside traffic from entering and hacking your system. You have to go into that router and forward web traffic (port 80) to the IP address 192.168.xxx.xxx being used by your computer. That way, any incoming web traffic is routed from the 218.xxx.xxx.xxx IP to the 192.168.xxx.xxx IP. The category that you modify is IP Port Forwarding.


Usually, the router has a built in webserver that you access from your browser to change the settings.

Do you have a router between your computer and your internet connection? Maybe built into your cable modem or ADSL modem?


If so, it has a firewall built in to prevent outside traffic from entering and hacking your system. You have to go into that router and forward web traffic (port 80) to the IP address 192.168.xxx.xxx being used by your computer. That way, any incoming web traffic is routed from the 218.xxx.xxx.xxx IP to the 192.168.xxx.xxx IP. The category that you modify is IP Port Forwarding.


Usually, the router has a built in webserver that you access from your browser to change the settings.


Hi Rammjet

I tried to plug the internet directly to my computer, but it doesn't help

I also tested setting port forward, but it don't help too.


Any ideas?



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