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hello...i have INTEL 930 and i instal macosx 10.4.6 ...i download from demonoid 2 UPDATE version of mac osx 10.4.7 intel SSE3...and 10.4.8 intel sse3 !


how can i install the UPDATE ..i must instal first 10.4.7....then 10.4.8...or directly 10.4.8 !!


it is a order to install ? to move some files ??



Im new in mac osx ..so...dont be mad with me...!!!

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Thanks GBK and Rammjet.


I have another stupid question. I've got an AMD 3200+ with 10.4.6 working well (so far). I'm trying to find an update to get to 10.4.7, but looking around Demonoid I can't seem to find one. I started DL-ing a JaS one, but turns out the filename has Intel in it :D

Can anyone give me any hints on what I should be looking for? I don't want to screw up my new toy :)

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